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The Corona Vaccine Obligation Policy is Deemed Inaccurate

7 Maret 2021   10:07 Diperbarui: 7 Maret 2021   10:13 52
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

The covid-19 pandemic or the event that the spread of the corona virus around the world is an outbreak of a disease caused by a new type of corona virus named SARS-CoV-2. The Covid-19 outbreak was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China on December 1, 2019, and was designated as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. With this incident, various crucial aspects of life have been turned into online systems. 

Various actions have been taken to break the chain of transmission, one of which is the corona virus vaccine. In general, vaccines work by stimulating the formation of specific immunity against bacteria / viruses that cause certain diseases. So it is believed that someone can avoid infection or serious illness due to the disease. However, Quoted from the official WHO website, the Covid-19 vaccine can cause side effects. World Health Organization (WHO) Drug and Vaccine Safety staff Ayako Fukushima gave an explanation of side effects or reactions after Covid-19 vaccination. With this statement, the vaccine liability policy is deemed inappropriate.

     Turning to the current issue that the Government has imposed administrative sanctions for people who are the target recipients of the Covid-19 vaccination but do not participate in the program. These administrative sanctions are contained in Presidential Regulation Number 14 of 2021 as an amendment to Presidential Regulation Number 99 of 2020 concerning Vaccines Procurement in the Context of the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic. This has reaped many cons in the community,  especially those who do not keep up with the latest developments in the corona virus case. This policy has become a separate antipathy for the community because it is considered too coercive.

     This is supported by a statement by the WHO (World Health Organization) that it does not predict that vaccinations must be introduced worldwide to stem the spread of the corona virus. "I do not believe that mandates are not the right policy direction here, particularly for vaccines," WHO Immunization Department Director Kate O'Brien told a virtual press conference in December. This was disclosed by WHO officials in Geneva, Switzerland. WHO assesses that requiring corona vaccination to every citizen will only create a boomerang that triggers them to be increasingly antipathic regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. Reporting from CNBC Indonesia - the World Health Organization (WHO), stated that they do not agree with country regulations that require the corona vaccine. WHO is not in recommending this vaccine is mandatory, so it is recommended that countries persuade, provide a risk communication strategy built with awareness, this is more effective.

     Based on IDXchannel's source in its survey, as many as 41 percent of Indonesians are not ready to be vaccinated against Covid-19. From the results of the survey, as many as 54.2 percent of people still do not want to be vaccinated for reasons of side effects. Besides that, many people also consider that inserting vaccine fluids into the body is prohibited by their religion or belief. Some of them believe that the manufacturing process and vaccine content are not in accordance with the teachings of their beliefs. In addition, the apathy and antipathy of the community is also caused by having previously heard of unpleasant experiences, such as the bad effects of giving the corona vaccine, so that it gives fear, not reinforcement.

     The mandatory vaccine policy is deemed inappropriate. The vaccines that are required do not increase public confidence, but can become fear that will give a negative perception of the corona virus itself. The government should provide more communication strategies and public awareness. And in that way, the government can build public trust, thereby fostering awareness.

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