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Chocolate Prevent Cancer

22 Januari 2022   10:31 Diperbarui: 22 Januari 2022   10:33 92
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If you are a chocolate lover, then it's good if you also recognize what are the benefits and drawbacks of chocolate. Often chocolate is blamed because it can make you fat, or maybe a toothache in children and so on.

However, based on an alert from, chocolate can actually prevent cancer, you know. Chocolate made from cocoa beans has a high antioxidant content that can prevent the bad effects of free radicals and oxidative damage in cells so that it can reduce cell damage that causes cancer cells to develop.

As stated in a study, a substance in chocolate known as pentameric procyanidins or pentamer bonds can actually show promising antioxidant abilities to prevent cancer. In experiments, pentamer compounds were injected into breast cancer cells and were found to be able to inactivate certain proteins in these cancer cells.

But not just any chocolate that can reduce the risk of this cancer Ladies. Choosing dark chocolate will be better because it contains more antioxidants than chocolate that has been mixed with sugar and milk or cream. Not only that, chocolate also has a lot of calories so it is not very good for maintaining an ideal body weight.

It would be even better if dark chocolate without sugar, but of course the taste is a bit bitter. But of course there are many other foods that are more effective at preventing cancer such as blackberries, spinach, oranges and various green vegetables which have more antioxidants. So, you can't rely on chocolate alone.

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