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The UM KKN Team in Pakisjajar Village Holds Socialization Training for Handling Sports Injuries to Pakisjajar Village Residents

4 Juli 2022   16:15 Diperbarui: 4 Juli 2022   16:24 51
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Malang Regency -- Malang State University Community Service Team This Year Held Sports Injury Handling Training. This activity held on Saturday, July 2nd, 2022, at the Hj Maemunah Mosque, Robyong Hamlet, Pakisjajar Village, Pakis District, Malang Regency.

The Community Service Team of UM Pakisjajar Village in this activity provided injury training to residents of Pakisjajar village, especially Robyong hamlet as a form of improving human resources to know how to handle injuries.

"I appreciate the sports people who want to attend today's training. This means that the residents of Pakisjajar Village, especially Dusun Robyong, care about health." It was clear Shofriyahdi who at the same time opened the socialization training event for handling sports injuries.

According to him, injury handling skills are needed by residents so they don't mishandle injuries due to activities or sports. If the injury is not handled properly, it will result in fatal things.

"If you have knowledge skills about handling injuries, it is hoped that when you experience an injury, it can be handled quickly and appropriately," said Arya Senna Wiratama, a S1 Student of Physical Education, Health and Recreation when delivering material on handling sports injuries.

Exposure to sports injuries begins by teaching the types of injuries directly, it is intended that the injured training participants get an overview of injuries and their handling.

"The sports injury training that is received with enthusiasm is expected to provide knowledge about the importance of handling sports injuries," said Edwin Firdaus Saputra, a S1 Student in Sports Science.


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