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Fuel Scarcity Could Triggers Conflict

25 November 2012   01:47 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   20:43 111 0
Fuel Problems (BBM) is not only economic but also social impact. Incidents of mass anarchist actions and clashes occurred in West Kutai, East Kalimantan due to fuel problems. Security forces and the government must keep in anticipation and always guard the fuel  issue so it is not widespread, especially if there is scarcity of that fossil fuels.

Recent days fuel scarcity began in Atambua, Belu regency, the territory borders RI-Timor Leste. People there difficult to obtain fuel at public refueling station as well as in retail, to support its activities.

In a number of gas stations in Atambua, occurs queue of vehicles both two and four wheels, and the other, although the pump has not been opened.
Fuel in recent weeks has been very difficult to obtain, either through retail outlets, as well as retail on the streets sold by the public. The price is definitely expensive, reaching a proportion Rp10.000/bottle not reach a liter.

This condition if not immediately gets a solution will potentially triggers conflict as well as in the West Kutai. The incidence of inter-group clashes in West Kutai, East Kalimantan on Saturday (24/11) was initially triggered by the AM a buyer, in APMS (Oil Subsidy placement agency) Simpang Raya, West Kutai was served on the grounds out.

But the PM insisted would fill up because he had just seen people pumping gas. Then a fight broke out between officers and each other at the AM.

Clashes between residents that occurred in Bow Street, Barong, Chinese, West Kutai, East Kalimantan, killing at least two houses were destroyed and four stalls burned.
Fuel has vital role especially for the bottom. Fuel shortages will trigger an increase in price. Domino impact is the price of basic commodities also rose.
People will feel the pinch and sensitive that minor problems could spark horizontal conflicts.  although many factors led to clashes but fuel shortages have contributed to the background of the conflict.

The government and security forces need to anticipate these conditions, especially in areas outside Java to dampen conflicts that might be occured.


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