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Geulis Bongas Product Photo

27 November 2022   09:22 Diperbarui: 27 November 2022   09:32 99 1
    In implementing the Merdeka Learning Campus program, the UNISA Yogyakarta Communication Studies program, through the Batch 2 Digital Marketing Program organized by Rumah BUMN Yogyakarta (RuBY). Conducting MSME mentoring which was attended by 20 students who were divided into 10 groups.

     Fulfill the implementation of work programs that have been designed, by each group. We, a group of 9 UMKM Geulis Bongas, carry out one of our work programs, namely product photography.

     Determining a good camera angle, which is in accordance with the rules of photography is not easy. The importance of processing until we can do it well. Product photos taken outdoors by utilizing sunlight for maximum results. (15/11/22)

     Haven't had time to discuss with SMEs regarding the results of product photos, there are obstacles that require re-photos. There is no wasted word in the process. As a result we did a second product photo the next day.


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