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Fiksiana Pilihan

"A Day With Depression"

8 Desember 2015   00:15 Diperbarui: 8 Desember 2015   00:20 78 4
You sleep with the dread in your head,
as the ghouls await behind the door to your nightmare
where despair has once again turned you mad
and monsters are in for another scare.

You wake up with no energy
Oh, where could it be?
You wonder silently:
"How could this happen to me?"

You go about your day,
yet you feel like you're wasting away.
Some may ask if you're okay,
while others have no idea what to say.

Will it always be like this?
Oh, where was that once eternal bliss?
It's something that you have missed,
now gone forever in Death's quickest kiss.

You want to close your eyes tonight.
Will you be strong enough for another fight?
You have too many scars to hide,
yet somehow - deep down inside - you still hope that tomorrow will be alright.


(Jakarta, 5/12/2015 - 4:00 pm)


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