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The Fishing Ground Conflict @South China Sea

25 Oktober 2021   07:49 Diperbarui: 25 Oktober 2021   08:10 87 1
At the, we can conclude that the fishing ground conflict has happened again at The South China Sea and The North Natuna Sea. About 31(thirty one) years ago at Denpasar, 22 January 1990 Our the honour Mr. (RIP) Ali Alatas in The Managing Potential Conflict in the South China Sea : The Workshop Process ( The Tortuous road) said that, "All Southeast Asian states bordering the South China sea share a vital interest in fostering peace, stability and harmonious cooperation in their immediate environment as a necessary condition within which to ensure stability and national development in their respective countries. I am given to understand that instead of focusing on the potentials for conflict, as subsumed in such question as overlapping sovereignty and jurisdictional claims, this Workshop will discuss a wide range of issues and areas of possible cooperation, including in resources management, communication, shipping, navigation and the related aspects of safety maritime passage, environmental protection and scientific research. This is indeed the right approach. for by expanding cooperation in these areas, on the basis of common interest and mutual benefit, a more conducive atmosphere will be created for peaceful cooperation and negotiation in addressing potential conflict situations as well".


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