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Van Der Wick

13 Januari 2021   20:53 Diperbarui: 13 Januari 2021   21:05 238 1
Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck is one Indonesian movie released in 2013 on the theme of love and cultural conflict in the 1930s. The story begins when a young man of Minang descent who lives and grows in Makassar, Zainuddin (Herjunot Ali) go to Batipuh, Tanah Datar, West Sumatra, in order to know the birthplace of his father and deepen his religious knowledge. Zainuddin's arrival was not well received by the villagers because of the history of Zainuddin's descendantwhose father comes from Minang and marries his mother who comes from Bugis. At that time, the structure of Minang people manages the ancestry from maternal lineage. However, Zainuddin strengthens his heart to remain in Batipuh, especially when he met a beautiful girl named Hayati (Pevita Pearce). After that, they fall in love and Zainuddin's descendant was again being the obstacle to their romance. Zainuddin was forced to leave Batipuh because their relationship deemed unfit. However,  Zainuddin and Hayati promised to love each other.


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