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Naskah Drama Bahasa Inggris (Snow White & Five Dwarfs)

12 April 2011   14:20 Diperbarui: 4 April 2017   18:30 62221 0
Hmm . Beberapa hari yang lalu drama Bahasa Indonesia. Now it's time for English :) haha

Drama dalam bahasa Inggris ini bertema komedi, terdiri dari 11 karakter yang dimainkan oleh 9 orang (salah satu orang memainkan 3 karakter sekaligus) dengan mengadaptasi cerita Snow White & Seven Dwarfs. Sebelumnya saya minta maaf kalau banyak grammar atau spelling yang salah, maklum, masih taraf pelajar, ehehe :D Maaf juga kalau drama ini terlalu panjang. Bisa di-cut di beberapa bagian sih, sebenernya.

Semoga bermanfaat ya. ♥

Narrator: Five thousand years ago, at an unknown place, there lived a beautiful princess named Snow White. Her skin was as white as snow, her lips were gorgeous, and her hair was shiny. She was an orphan, she lived at the palace belongs to her step-mother. That arrogant queen has an unimportant habit, which was she always asking her faithful Fortune-Teller, who was the most beautiful woman in the universe, and the answer was always the queen.


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