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Using QR Codes in Education

11 November 2012   05:24 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   21:38 389 0
How is it used in Education? Since it stores information in a single code, QR code could be engaging and challenging ways for learning. In the storytelling, for example, learning can be interesting when the story is coded using QR code and students may learn from that and share while communicating the meaning of the story. In English learning, the activity will be expected to enhance students’ motivation to practice using English more frequently. Here is a video of how to use QR code for Storytelling activity. Another activity that could be interesting is Scavenger Hunt. The idea is to have others search for more information to answer or get to a clue. In the classroom, this can be a fun activity for students, for any levels, from elementary to tertiary levels to crack the codes and come to answers. It could enhance collaborative works as well. Here is a video of how to have a Scavenger Hunt. It’s not specifically in education, but we all can get the idea. To have a more thorough review on using QR Codes in the Classroom, please click this link. There are several other activities that can utilise QR Codes for learning. Generally, it may empower students’ creativity in a cooperative learning fashion. While maintaining students’ interest, it may boost students’ motivation as well. For communication purposes, students may be later required to speak or write about their experiences using QR code. I believe there are several other information about using QR Codes in specific contexts out there. Just have a try and see how it goes! ©mhsantosa (2012) I am happy to share this. Please feel free to reblog or share the link, all with my accreditation. Thank you.


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