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Memandu dari Mendut sampai Yogyakarta

27 Februari 2021   22:13 Diperbarui: 27 Februari 2021   22:35 88 2
good morning ladies and gentlemen, do you still exited for our tour today?
so ladies and gentlemen, do not know do not love, so let me introduce my self first my name is eka indah Yuliani, you can call me eka and I am being your guide from trisakti tour and travel for accompany your tour today. So if u need something you can call me.

candi mendut
so ladies and gentlemen as you know now we are leaving candi mendut or mendut temple is buddhis temple with 26,4 mters height and 48 stupa and now we will go to Yogyakarta. Well ladies and gentlemen of course u have took a picture and bought some souvenir at there isn't it? At candi mendut you have seen decoration like alternating decorations carving of heavenly beings like dewata gandarwa, aspara or angel, two monkeys and one garuda. At two side of stairs have some relief a history of pancatantra and jataka. At temple wall had many relief. And at centre temple have big three archa Buddha there are dhyani Buddha wairocana, awalokiteswara, and wajrapani.


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