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The Existence of Technology Within Developing Nation In Era of Globalization

8 Oktober 2013   22:24 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   06:48 227 0

Often do we find about the using of technology in our lives, especially in era of globalization. Many times we meet media technologies such as the Internet, electronic equipment, likewise mass media technology around our neighborhood. However, rarely were we awarding the using of technology properly. In fact, if we use it properly, it will positively impact to our lives as well as for development of our nation.

The Correlation Between Technology and Globalization.

Globalization is a process of rising new ideas, then these will be offerto the other country in order that followed, that eventually be a collective agreement and guideline for nations worldwide (According to Edison A. Jamli and friends.Kewarganegaraan.2005). In the mean time, Rias Van Wyk said “Technology is a “set of mean” created by people to facilitate human endeavor”.

There are so many technologies have been appearing in era of globalization, one of evidence is the information and communication technologies are being main supporting factor in globalization. Nowadays, in principle “the freedom of information current” brought on fastest technological development, that all forms and contents of information can be spread widely throughout the world. Therefore, the technology in era of globalization can’t be avoided, but we should take positive attitude, so it will give benefits for us. Considering that, we can conclude that the existence of globalization and technology have a close relation.

Should technology be possessed for youths?

Back to our case, were technology in globalization can be a positive or negative media. However, it’s depended on the attitude of themselves, and how we use it. For youths, technology is urgent and it became one of organs in our live. Could you imagine if technology was dead? Exactly we will back to antiquity. Technology is considered as solution of existing problem, so it’s necessary for us if we can use it fully, friendly environment, and without causing negative impact. We had better take advantage of technology properly, and accordance to regulation. For instance, we are as students, we can use the internet in looking for learning resource rapidly, discussion media, and act. In this case, the technology can benefit for us, both of efficient time and flexibility in searching of knowledge.

Contrary to the using technology, like the internet improperly, rarely do we realize that technology have been making fall asleep us. Moreover, the excessive using of technology makes us forget about time and who we are. More problem be found in common is the using hand phone. When someone prefers to use hand phone profusely, it will decrease social sense. It’s so worrying if they tend to ignore those problems. Moreover, the relation between youths and nationalism will be strained, due to the lacking of care for the nation’s culture and social. What are consequences if youths don’t have a sense of nationalism? Therefore, Indonesian youths must have anticipated negative impact of technology on globalization era.

The Role of Youths on Nation Development (The Metamorphosis of Developing Nation to Developed Nation)

As Indonesian youths, exactly we must have taken a role in national life. We are next generations, the reformed generations; we should have been able to implement assignments and regulations. Be better, if we be a “something maker”, who always comes up with fresh, creative, and innovative idea. So that, we are as Indonesian youths not only be a “something taker”,who always be followers of new trend in this era. But, we have to believe that the Indonesian youths were born and living right now can bring Indonesia in advance, to be developed country.

Honestly, through independence, creativity, innovation and existence technology supporting, we can prevent the fading of nationalism during the era of globalization. However, everything will back to us, whether this technology advanced can be maximized, or technology development will destroy our nationalism? May be only you and me can answer that.


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