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Difference and Relationships Between Philosophy, Science, and Religion

13 Desember 2019   10:38 Diperbarui: 13 Desember 2019   10:35 5
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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock

The difference between philosophy and science ia also evident when dealing with problems of partical reality. Science is informational and analytical for certain fields, but philosophy does not merely provide information from life to be only one part that must be Linked to other knowledge. So, it can be said that science is a child of philosophy and philosophy is called the mother of science.

Philosophy ia different from religion, but there are also those who consider religion as part of philosophy. When we define philosophy as an activity that uses the mind deeply, thoroughly, rationally, and logically. Religion appears as a thought that is not only superfical, but also a thing that is used without using the mind at all. From this point on religion appears as something that opposes philosophy. This contradiction is seen in various expressions, which most likely ia probably a conflict between people who hold fast to speculative and irrational thoughts of religion and philosophers who apper in the midst of widespread religious thought. Religion and philosophy actually have in common, namely that both of then pursue a thing which in English is called Ultimate which very important thing about the problems of life, and not a trivial thing. People who hold philosophy and religion are certainly equally upholding what they consider important in life.

And the relationship between philosophy, science, and religion does not Deny the view that each other ia something separate where science is more empirical, philosophy is more ideas and religion is more Faith. Both science and philosophy or religion aim (at least dealing with the same thing),  namely truth. Science with its own method seeks truths about nature, humans and God, as well religion, with its charateristics also provide answers to all the basic human questions that human questions about nature, humans, and God. 

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