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Kertas Putih Kastrat (KPK) Mohon Tunggu... Dokter - Departemen Kajian dan Aksi Strategis BEM IKM FKUI 2022

Kumpulan intisari berita aktual // Ditulis oleh Departemen Kajian dan Aksi Strategis BEM IKM FKUI 2022 // Narahubung: Jansen (ID line: jansenjayadi)



Healthy Pilihan

Vaksin COVID-19 Lekas Usai: Sebuah Angan Semu Pemerintah?

18 September 2020   17:08 Diperbarui: 18 September 2020   17:40 165
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Sumber foto: UK to begin clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccine this week [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2020Sep18] |

Alaydrus H. Chatib Basri: Kurva Pemulihan Ekonomi Indonesia Berbentuk U Selama Tak Ada Vaksin | Ekonomi - [Internet]. 2020 [cited 13 September 2020].

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  • CNN Indonesia. Vaksin Corona Dinilai Tak Ampuh Pulihkan Ekonomi Global [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2020 Sep 13]

  • Posner G. Big pharma may pose an obstacle to vaccine development. The New York times [Internet]. 2020 Mar 2 [cited 2020 Sep 13]

  • Kate P FDA commissioner decries drug industry oligopoly [Internet]. 2018 [cited 2020 Sep 13].

  • Coy P. The road to a Coronavirus vaccine runs through Oslo. Bloomberg News [Internet]. 2020 Feb 13 [cited 2020 Sep 13]

  • Elder DG. The Right Shot: Bringing down barriers to affordable and adapted vaccines - 2nd Ed., 2015 [Internet]. [cited 2020 Sep 13]

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