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Jeanne Francoise
Jeanne Francoise Mohon Tunggu... Dosen - Woman of Conference

Woman of Conference




International Conference of Cognitive Semiotics in Ryerson University Toronto Canada 13-15 July 2018

18 Juli 2018   13:05 Diperbarui: 18 Juli 2018   13:03 234
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The Third International Conference of Cognitive Semiotics 2018, organized by International Association of Cognitive Semiotics (IACS) held in Toronto Canada, participated with Ryerson University and OCAD University. 

In this Conference, there are many cosmeticians from around the world and they shared their ideas about semiotics, related to globalism and recent issues. Some professors have developed theory of semiotics, also to enlarge the concepts of semiotics. For example there is the new concept called semioethic that is urgently needed to do draft resolution for formal meetings.

From this Conference also we can taste the culture of Toronto, as well as wine testing and Art Gallery Museum. In the second day, Committee lead us to the student workshops. Students are having their presentation or demonstration about their products or ideas, for example there is application how to read books faster and how to choose clothes more effective, so we can save time, money, and energy.

The issue of Semiotics in Indonesia is only popular among linguists, but here in IACS we can learn that semiotic could be everywhere and linked with several studies, such as history, sports, arts, humanities, and so on. Semiotics is not just learning the sign, but also the meaning of the sign and what is meaning behind meaning or we called it; the main purpose of the text.

This Conference is important for me because I would like to analyse about defense heritage in Indonesia related to military history and how Indonesian people could understand the history by using modernism concept. I hope this IACS could be held in Indonesia one day because we need many semioticians to be the agent of peace and the way they treat the text is professional so we will not have multi-interpretations about something.

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