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Utilization of Papaya Leaf Extracts (Carica Papaya) as a Natural Pesticides

11 Januari 2010   08:24 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   18:31 3704
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The growing use of synthetic pesticides is considered practical by the farmers and lovers of plants to prevent the plants from pest attack, it brings negative impact big enough for humans and the environment. High enough the negative impact of the use of synthetic pesticides, encouraging efforts to pursue empowerment / utilization of natural pesticides as an alternative to synthetic pesticides. One of the natural pesticides that can be used are pepaya leaf extract. Papaya leaves contain the active ingredient "Papain", so effective for controlling caterpillars and sucking pests. Extract of papaya leaves can be used as a natural pesticide after mixed with kerosene and detergents. Natural pesticides from papaya leaf extract has several benefits, including: can be used to prevent pests such as Aphid, termites, small insects, and caterpillars and various types of insects.
Key words: papaya leaf extract, a natural pesticide


1.1 Background

The growing use of synthetic pesticides is considered practical by the farmers and lovers of plants to prevent the plants from pest attack, it brings negative impact big enough for humans and the environment. According to WHO (World Health Organization) noted that worldwide pesticide poisoning occurs between 44,000 to 2,000,000 people annually. Negative impact of synthetic pesticide use is increasing pest resistance to pesticides (pest resistance itself), high maintenance costs because of high prices of pesticides and inappropriate use can cause toxicity to humans and ecosystems in the environment becomes unstable / unbalanced.

High enough the negative impact of the use of synthetic pesticides, encouraging efforts to pursue empowerment / utilization of natural pesticides as an alternative to synthetic pesticides. One of the natural pesticides that can be used are papaya leaf extract. In addition to environmentally friendly, natural pesticides are pesticides that are relatively safe in use and economical. For that, the author will discuss about the use of papaya leaf extracts (Carica papaya) as a natural pesticide .

1.2 Problems

The formulation of the authors raise issues, such as:

1. What is the chemical content of the leaves of papaya (Carica papaya)?

2. How to manufacture a natural pesticide from the leaves of papaya (Carica papaya)?

3. What are the benefits papaya leaf extracts (Carica papaya) as a natural pesticide?

1.3 Goal Writing

The purpose of a writer who can capture the formulation of the problem is to find out:

1. chemical from the leaves of papaya (Carica papaya).

2. how to manufacture a natural pesticide from the leaves of papaya (Carica papaya).

3. benefits of papaya leaf extracts (Carica papaya) as a natural pesticide

1.4 Benefits of Writing

The benefits of writing of this article is to broaden the writer in particular and society in general about leaf pemanfaatane kstrak papaya (Carica papaya) as a natural pesticide .


The writing method used by writer is literature study method which means finding the resources relevant to the title that the author adopted through books and through the internet.


3.1 Chemical content of Papaya Leaf (Carica papaya)

Leaves of papaya (Carica papaya) contains a variety of substances, including: vitamin A 18,250 SI, 0.15 mg vitamin B1, vitamin C 140 mg, 79 cal calories, 8.0 grams protein, 2 grams fat, 11.9 Charcoal hydrate grams, 353 mg calcium, phosphorus 63 mg, 0.8 mg iron, 75.4 grams of water, papayotin, kautsyuk, karpain, karposit, papaya leaves contain the active ingredient "Papain", so effective to control "pest caterpillars and exploiters"

3.2 How to Making Natural Pesticides from Leaf Papaya (Carica papaya)

(Illustrating of how making the natural pesticides from the leaves of papaya)

The manufacturing steps of natural pesticides from the leaves of papaya, such as:

1. Collect approximately 1 kg of papaya leaves (about 1 large plastic bag / 1 large bucket).

2. Papaya leaf mash until smooth.

3. The results of the collision / chopped soaked in the 10 liters of water then add 2 tablespoons of kerosene and 30 g detergent. Mixed results, silenced last night.

4. Filtering the results of soaking solution with soft cloth. And the solution squirted into the plant distillate.

3.3 Benefits of Papaya Leaf Extract (Carica papaya) as a Natural Pesticide

Natural pesticide is a pesticide derived from basic material nature such as plants. As for some of the benefits of natural pesticides, among others:

• type of pesticide is easy to decompose (biodegradable) in nature, so as not to pollute the environment (environmental friendly).

• Relatively safe for humans and livestock due to residue easily lost.

• Can kill pests / diseases such as extracts from the leaves of papaya, tobacco, seeds mahogany, etc.

• Can be as a collector or trap crop pests: plant-snore snore, chicken dung

• The material used was not difficult to be found even available for free seedlings (economically).

• The dose used was not too binding and risk compared with the use of synthetic pesticides. To measure the effectiveness of the dose level used, and experiments can be conducted in accordance with the user experience. If one time dose used had no influence, can be increased up to see the results. Because the use of natural pesticides are relatively safe in high doses once, then given any of a very rare plant found dead plants. That there is only a technical error, such as plants that like dry media, because too often watered and moist, even to spur the emergence of the fungus. The key is the application with the observed dose treatment in accordance with the characteristics and ideal growing conditions for plants.

Natural pesticides is a short-term solution to solve pest problems quickly. Natural pesticides should be part of integrated pest control system, and is only used when needed (not used if there are no pests that damage crops). Natural pesticides from papaya leaf extract has several benefits, including: can be used to prevent pests such as Aphid, termites, small insects, and caterpillars and various types of insects.


4. 1 Conclusion

The authors conclusions that can be taken from the results and discussion are, among others:

1. Leaves of papaya (Carica papaya) contains a variety of substances, including: vitamin A 18,250 SI, 0.15 mg vitamin B1, vitamin C 140 mg, 79 cal calories, 8.0 grams protein, 2 grams fat, 11.9 Charcoal hydrate grams, 353 mg calcium, phosphorus 63 mg, 0.8 mg iron, 75.4 grams of water, papayotin, kautsyuk, karpain, karposit, papaya leaves contain the active ingredient "Papain", so effective to control "pest caterpillars and exploiters"

2. The manufacturing steps of natural pesticides from the leaves of papaya, namely: collecting approximately 1 kg of papaya leaves (about 1 large plastic bag / 1 large bucket), papaya leaf mash until smooth, the result of collisions / chopped soaked in 10 liters of water and then add 2 tablespoons of kerosene and 30 g detergent. Mixed results, silenced overnight, filter the results of soaking solution with soft cloth. And the solution squirted into the plant distillate.

3. Natural pesticides is a short-term solution to solve pest problems quickly. Natural pesticides should be part of integrated pest control system, and is only used when needed (not used if there are no pests that damage crops). Natural pesticides from papaya leaf extract has several benefits, including: can be used to prevent pests such as Aphid, termites, small insects, and caterpillars and various types of insects.

4.2 Reccomendations

As for reccomendations that can give the author, among others:

1. We recommend that farmers and lovers of plants using natural pesticides instead of synthetic pesticides that are used to maintain environmental balance.

2. Do not use natural pesticides if no plants are attacked by pests.


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