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History of Turki (Istanbul) Part I: Sejarah Berdirinya Turki (Istanbul) Part I

28 Juni 2020   20:52 Diperbarui: 28 Juni 2020   21:31 220
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Who does not know this country of two continents? The country flanked by continents of Europe and Asia or often known as Eurasia. Not only that, this country is a very large Islamic state adherents. A country that embraces schlurism by distinguishing between governance and Islamic policies.

Do you know? Before the formation of the Turkish state which is mandated by the Beautiful and historic Islamic city. Formerly Istanbul (Turkey) was the capital of the Eastern Roman empire, named Constatinopel. Constatinopel itself was previously a city called Binzantium which was located in the Strait of Bospourus by Constantine, the Roman Emperor who was intended to be the capital of his new kingdom, the Roman empire.

 When the Roman empire was split into two, Western Rome and Eastern Rome in 395 AD Constatinopel became the capital of Eastern Rome. While the capital of Western Rome fell into the hands of the Goths in 476 AD Thus, Constatinopel lasted for a thousand years later until the hands of the Ottoman Sultan Sultan who was conquered in 1453 and made it the new capital of the kingdom.

 Long before the Ottoman Turks under Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih succeeded in conquering Constatinopel, Islamic leaders since the time of the Khalifahurasyidin, the Caliph of the Umayyads and the Abbasids had tried to conquer Constantitope. But fate wanted something else, and during the Ottoman Empire the attempt was conquered successfully.

After Muhammad Al-Fatih made Istanbul the capital of the Turkish kingdom of Usamani, he organized the things of Greek (Roman) Christians. In this challenge he gave freedom to the church, as did his predecessors and recognized other religions in accordance with Islamic teachings that respect the beliefs of a religion.

As the power that had been exercised by Muhammad Al-Fatih made the Ottoman Empire with the capital city of Istanbul a superpower in its heyday. With powers covering most of Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Not only that, the Palace is also located in this area. At that time the title of caliph was applied to the kings of an Islamic kingdom.

Istanbul as the capital of the Turkish state during the kingdom of Muhammad Al-Fatih, this is where the development of Turkish culture that adopts a blend of various cultures. Not only that, the Ottoman Turks took many ethical and political teachings from the Persians.

 Turkey also likes to be assimilated and likes to associate with other nations. In the field of military and governance, Binzatium's culture influenced the Ottoman Empire much. But long ago, they assimilated with these nations, since the first time they converted to Islam, the Arabs had become their teachers in the fields of religion, science, social principles, and law. Even the Arabic letters were made official royal letters.

In governance, the highest power is in the hands of the Sultan, but the wheel of government is run by Shadr Al-Azham (Prime Minister) who is domiciled in the capital. Important positions, including the prime minister, are often left to people from Europe, on the condition that they formally convert to Islam.

 While in the field of Architecture, mosques are built. The mosque is a feature of an Islamic city, where Muslims have complete facilities to carry out worship. Aya Sophia Church, after the conquest was transformed into the most important grand mosque in Istanbul. 

In addition, there are other mosques such as the Great Mosque of Al-Muhammadi or the Great Mosque of Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih, Abu Ayyub Al-Anshari Mosque (the inauguration place for Ottoman sultans), Bayazid Mosque in Persian style, and Al-Qanuni Mosque.

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