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my hobi is playing games and drawing, my favorite is eating sweets and I like to study a lil bit of history



Ilmu Sosbud

Kajian Pengaruh Akal Budi terhadap Perkembangan Kebudayaan Manusia Pra-Aksara ke Masa Sekarang

28 Maret 2023   13:55 Diperbarui: 28 Maret 2023   14:13 89
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Prehistory means a period of time when humans haven't developed civilization and writing since humans started to know the basics of survival such as foraging for food, making tools to cut meat from large animals, and finding shelter that can protect them from natural hazards. Human civilization has been developed through their own logic of knowledge and through their own hardships, situations which can now benefit the community to increase social and economic life as it can let the people settle down and have an easier lifestyle than before or in past events.

One of the most essential things in human society is the history of human development so we can know who we truly are and how it started till now. It is interesting to know that in the prehistory age, humans found ways to communicate through letters and writings such as they created paintings on the walls to tell stories of how they survived and even the dangers they had to experience. Today we already have all the technology to give benefits to our society and lifestyle. It has helped us find information and data much easier as we can now know and give answers to our curiosity about what has happened throughout the years by collecting artifacts and fossils around the world. 

It is truly fascinating that our skills and knowledge were found during adaptation to our environment as we can create habits doing our activities like in the prehistoric days when humans lived agricultural lives. They already knew what to do and how to survive through their learning skills or when they knew how they make tools out of hard minerals after that bartering to other countries using ships and even handling dangerous situations which could cause death in any possibility whether they can handle it or not.

People started to fulfill their lives in the future on how to provide for themselves as economic life constantly changes over time. In the past bartering was used as a way to provide a variety of goods but now we invest in money as our currency. We even started to create a community where rules can be followed after much deliberation and could elect a leader or government who can create the country for the better. People's lives started to follow their positions as their roles where we could continue to gain expertise where we fit in civilization.

Daftar Pustaka 

Amador, Osiris. "Education in Preliterate Societies.", 30 Jan. 2018, Accessed 14 Mar. 2023.

Noor, Yusliani. Diktat Pra Sejarah Indonesia. Accessed 7 Mar. 2023.

Renfrew, Colin. Prehistory: The Making of the Human Mind. Accessed 14 Mar. 2023.

Riyadi, Aris. Pembelajaran 1.Kehidupan Masyarakat Indonesia Pada Masa Pra-Aksara. Accessed 14 Mar. 2023.

Web Manager, SMP Directorate. "Periodization of the Stone Age in the Prehistoric Age.", 14 June 2022. Accessed 14 Mar. 2023.

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