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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

The Shortcoming of TV and Video Games as a Leisure Activity

24 Oktober 2021   21:58 Diperbarui: 24 Oktober 2021   22:35 40
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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony

Watching television and playing video games are the most common indoor activities available for children's entertainment. Those activities somehow can cause a bad effect on children's mental development and must have a well-behavior regulation to reduce the worst damage.

Generally, children will have some behavioral and mental disorders if they are watching television and playing video games in most of their daily activities. Those developmental problems cannot be taken lightly because they will affect not just their performance in learning and their daily life but the worst case for this will also damage their mental health. Within a piece of not-so-distant past news reported on television that many children were forced to be sent to the asylum because they were having some mental disorders for playing video games too much. The same terrible news also frequently appeared in far more distant past about children's aggressive behavior after they watch too many violent television shows.

There is no easy solution for these tiny daily problems because of the nature of the children and also the parents themselves. However, a more democratic approach in parenting can be a reliable solution for the problems. In a democratic parenting system, children must really understand the fact, the choice, and the consequences of their chosen actions so that the families can construct the agreed regulations about watching television and playing the video game. And as the result of the uphold rule, parents can stop children's behavior or give punishment according to the decided regulations to prevent further harm.

Overall, managing children's behavior at home is often considered as a delicate matter for parents as they cannot respond to children's whining properly when the parent limits children's television and video game times. However, further application of the democratic parenting style can be considered as a good solution to the problem.

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