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The Effects of Good Writing Skills on Student's Future Career

2 April 2020   15:39 Diperbarui: 19 Mei 2020   13:51 69
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In this era, writing skills are very important and have a lot of effects for everyone's future career, including students. This is because the ability to write is one of the skill benchmarks or creativity of a student. When students are in elementary school for six years, students are taught how to write letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, and become a story.

Day after day, students go up to the three-year Junior High School level and three-year in High School is also still taught how to be good in writting. From this long period of time, definitely every student must have a good writing skill. It's no wonder why people make a turn of writing to be one of the most important and needed in the career as well. The future career that I mean is not only about finding work, but also continuing the study to a higher level. That is why there are many effects of good writing skills for a student's future career. Such as; being able to continue to college, appling for a job, and also can be their own job.

Let's discuss one by one its effects. First, students can continue their studies to college. Maybe you wonder why students who want to continue to college must be have a good writing skill. Have you ever heard that there are several campuses that require students to make an essay to apply to the campus? Whatever it is the form of writing, or can be an essay or a story why they want to continue their studies there. Even if the students want to send a message to the campus by email, they need to write first. Therefore, having good writing skill is a good effect for the students. 

Second, students can apply a job. Nowadays, not all students who graduated from High School want to continue their studies to college, there are some of them who want to get a job. Maybe they do it because they do not intend to continue their studies, or they want to delay for a few years or they feel ready for doing a certain job. Moreover, now many schools approve students who are ready to work. It is what makes them want to apply a job. In order to apply a job, students certainly need to prepare all the necessary files, like the thing to continue to the college, applying for a job also requires good writing skills. For example, write a letter for apply the job. This is a very important thing and that determines their career.

Third, good writing skills can be used as our work. There is a lot of work that we can do by having good writing skills. Such as a book writer, novel, recipient of a thesis, a drama script writer or a movie. In this era, this work has been very famous in terms of its income, especially the script writer that now has a fairly high salary. Moreover, if at the end we become one of the employees. I mentioned, at least in their work, they certainly need this good writing skills. Imagine if someone could not write an event a report, it will be a disaster for them. If the students have already been satisfied with their good writing skills, this will be a positive effect for the student's future career.

In fact, there are many effects that students get by having good writing skills for their future career. Not only these three, can be a provision to continue to the college, can apply for a job, and can also be the student's own work. There are still many other effects that students get from this ability for their future career, but this is a general description of how the effects of having good writing skills for the student career in the future because in fact, in daily life we desperately need this skill, especially in a career. Hopefully all of the students out there have a passion for learning especially in good writing skill because this skill will have many effects on their future career.

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