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Hanimlaila Alfu
Hanimlaila Alfu Mohon Tunggu... Freelancer - University student

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Medieval Philosophy

14 November 2019   21:20 Diperbarui: 14 November 2019   21:28 8
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in this century Greek philosophy returned the splendor and wealth with very brilliant res that Greek civilization was the starting point of human civilization in the world.

then continued by Roman rule. Rome showed greatness and power to the mainland of Europe (Britain), not to forget the Greek philosophical thinking was also carried over. This is thanks to the role of Caesar Augustus who was able to reach its golden age.

After Greek philosophy reached mainland Europe, there philosophy integrated with Christianity so that European philosophy emerged which was an incarnation of Greek philosophy. about 5 centuries the growth of European philosophy has not been able to give birth to philosophers but, after the 6th century AD, came the thought experts who conduct philosophical inquiry. So it was European philosophy that began the birth of medieval western philosophy. Western Philosophy of the Middle Ages (467 - 1492) too

can be said as "the dark century". Indeed, at that time the actions of the church are very fettering human life. The church forbade investigations based on ratios against religion. Therefore, studies on religion / theology that are not based on church provisions will get a strict ban. Only the church has the right to investigate religion. However, there are also those who violate the prohibition and they are considered apostates and then held a chase (inclusion).

The characteristics of medieval western philosophical thought include:

 -How to think is led by the church. - Philosophy in the environment of the teachings of Aristotle. - Philosophy with the help of Augustine and others

the Middle Ages is divided into two periods, the Paratistic Period and the Scholatistic Period. While the Scholatistic Period was divided into Early Scholastics. Peak Scholastics, and Final Scholastics.

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