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The Purpose Of Learning A Foreign Language

3 Oktober 2020   09:23 Diperbarui: 3 Oktober 2020   09:26 325
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Language is a means of communication that connects one person to another person. Language is one of the most important aspect in life because all activities that we do can be done properly. as we know that language not only talking verbarly, but also non verbal such as sign language.

In this world there are various kind of language from various countries, there is a language that are known generally and has been used by alot of countries. To me, foreign language that we need to learn is english and mandarin. why? because English and Mandarin are an international language and has been used almost all existing countries.

There are alot of purpose to learn a foreign language , such as:

1. Improve our chance to get a job, in this era lots of companies that need workers who can master foreign languages. foreign language skills are considered as one of soft skills which supports the use of information technology and communication, also can be mention as basic skill that can be improve our chance to gey a job on various job sector.

2. Make us easier to communicate when travelling, with mastering English and Mandarin of course we can communicate with foreigners when travelling.

3. Expands circle of friends. If we can speak foreign languages, we can not only make friends within our country but also from abroad. We could communicate with them with the language that we have mastered.

4. Improved our self confidence. With mastering foreign language that not everyone has, we can be more confident when communicating, especially when communicate with foreign language.

I personally have experience, when I was in high school i was serious about learning English and Mandarin, I also took English and Mandarin course to increase my knowledge. Then when I entered Atma Jaya University in Yogyakarta, I took the CCU class by taking Mandarin class.

Grace Chay ( 200907209 )


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