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Benefits of Opening An Account at Sharia Bank

6 Mei 2020   20:05 Diperbarui: 6 Mei 2020   20:05 152
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Ekonomi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Caruizp

Sharia bank is a bank that conducts business activities based on sharia principles, or principles of Islamic law stipulated in the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council such as principles of justice and Balance (' ADL WA Tawazun), Benefits (Maslahah), Universalism (Alamiyah), and does not contain Gharar, Maysir, Riba, unjust one and illegal objects. 

Sharia banking LAW also mandates sharia banks to carry out social functions by carrying out functions such as the institution of Baitul Mal, namely receiving funds derived from Zakat, Infak, charity, grants, or other social funds and channel it to the manager of Waqf (Nazhir) According to the will of the Waqf . Sharia banks also offer products that conform with sharia principles.

Sharia banking in doing business is based on sharia principles, and principal. Sharia banking aims to support national development implementation to increase fairness, togetherness, and equitable Kesejahteraahn appeal. 

Many advantages to saving in sharia banks, sharia banks are not only for customers who want to save alone but can receive funds from Zakat, Infak, charity, grants, or other social funds and sharia banks can also channel it to the Zakat management organization.

Also bank Syariah can receive zakat funds and also channel it, sharia banks can also raise the social funds from Waqf of money and channel it to the Waqf (Nazhir) Management by the will of the Waqf

There are a lot of advantages that Syariah Bank can provide to its customers, there is no interest system, but that is the system that is the result of the margin of the margins. 

So avoid Riba. For the result of the results of the varied UGA, depending on the performance of the business, in addition to saving can give the happiness of the World Bank Syariah also bring us to the happiness of the Hereafter because the bank Syria apply the principles of sharia that has been respected by the MUI, and also there is no religious boundaries all Gama can save in sharia Bank.

Many you will get if saving or opening a rekening in Sharia Bank, you will be spared from usury Karna Riba is not recommended by Islam, consuming the usury or interest is a sin by the Karna open an account at the Sharia bank you can be spared from sin, based on Islamic Sharia saving profit in Sharia bank for Muslims is just as it is running Islamic Sharia, because it will bring a reward to the culprit.

For customers who are saving as an investment in Sharia bank, the customer will be benefited from the guarantee provided by the Deposit Guarantee Board (LPS). So that the invested investment will be guaranteed if a certain problem is encountered. Not only with the savings that are an investment, but the savings are also a deposit. The amount of savings and investment guaranteed by LPS is worth Rp 2 billion.

And also do not miss the advantage of opening an account in the sharia bank is gaining facilities and technology in Sharia banks is not inferior to conventional banks. Banks with sharia bases can facilitate customers in conducting transactions. Sharia bank has been equipped with ATM and also equipped with internet banking. And many advantages will be if you open an account at the Sharia Bank.

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