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Ilmu Sosbud

Why Should We Keep Our Body Healthy and Fit?

17 November 2022   18:19 Diperbarui: 17 November 2022   18:25 297
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Health is a state of physical, mental, spiritual, and social well-being that enables everyone to live a socially and economically productive life. (Law number 36 of 2009 concerning health). Meanwhile, being fit is the body's ability to carry out daily activities with full energy and after completing these activities still have the spirit and energy reserves to enjoy leisure time and be ready to carry out other sudden or unexpected activities. The importance of maintaining good health cannot be emphasized enough.

Your daily well-being and how well you age are determined by a healthy body. It also allows you to lead an active and fuller life, which means you will have a better quality of life as you age. A healthy body is everyone's desire. It's just that getting it requires being consistent in doing good habits every day. How to maintain a healthy body is actually not too difficult, you can follow the following tips for maintaining health and fitness.

The first is to eat healthy foods and actively exercise regularly. Tips for maintaining a healthy body are influenced by what you consume every day. Eat foods that contain carbohydrates (brown rice, oats, quinoa, and whole wheat bread), healthy fats (avocados, whole grains, various types of sea fish, and freshwater fish, and nuts), vitamins and minerals (asparagus, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, cucumber, mushrooms, cabbage, radish, pumpkin, peppers, eggplant, and carrots), protein (lean meat, dairy products, milk, and eggs). It is also necessary to consume fruits such as grapes, apples, blueberries, oranges, kiwi, lemons, mangoes, pineapples, pears, bananas, strawberries, and others. Tips for maintaining health must also be balanced with regular exercise. Besides being good for health, exercise helps prevent and overcome several diseases, such as diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, arthritis, stroke, high blood pressure, and depression. It is recommended to exercise for 20-30 minutes every day.

The second is not smoking and consuming alcohol Not or quitting smoking is also one way to maintain a healthy body. The habit of smoking is the cause of cardiovascular, cancer, and respiratory diseases. Ways to quit smoking include regular exercise, adopting a healthy diet, cleaning your home, and finding new hobbies to distract you from smoking. In addition to not smoking, also stop the habit of consuming alcoholic beverages because these drinks can make it easier for the body to get bacterial and viral infections because your health will decrease day by day. Alcohol itself can trigger several diseases such as kidney, liver, and cancer.

Thirdly, it is important to get enough sleep every day to maintain a healthy body. The reason is that adequate sleep helps repair body cells, makes the body fresh, sharpens memory, and improves mood. Sleep time should be 7-8 hours a day. The fourth is that stress needs to be managed. Stress that is experienced continuously can weaken the body's immunity, triggering you to be susceptible to disease. One way to manage stress is to maintain a healthy body. There are many ways that can be done to help minimize stress, such as meditation, exercise, talking to the closest and trusted people, and doing other positive activities.

From the tips given above, maintaining a healthy and fit body can have many benefits in everyday life. Here are the benefits of staying healthy and fit: The first benefit is to help avoid heart disease, improving heart performance is one of the goals of physical fitness training. Regular exercise can help prevent or manage many health problems, including metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, depression, anxiety, some cancers, and arthritis. The second benefit is maintaining the immune system, the main purpose of physical fitness exercise is none other than maintaining the immune system. Research by Exercise immunology, Current Sports Medicine Report (2003) has shown that during moderate exercise, several positive changes occur in the immune system. The third benefit is to boost self-confidence, improving your mood by exercising regularly may also boost your self-confidence. The fourth benefit is improving muscle and bone health, bones become healthier and stronger when a person has high physical fitness. This happens because exercise helps release hormones that increase the ability of muscles to absorb amino acids, so that bones can grow properly with minimal risk of damage. The conclusion is that we should not be lazy to maintain our health and fitness, because maintaining health and fitness can have many benefits for our bodies to carry out daily activities.

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