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Gabriella YongSetiawan
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Anoa, a Rare Animal with a Million Charms

8 Desember 2020   14:30 Diperbarui: 8 Desember 2020   14:57 289
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When we talk about what's inside Indonesia, it will take a long time to explain it because Indonesia has many unique natural resources, such as forests, oceans, petroleum, coal, and natural gas. In the forest, there are various kinds of living things, one of which is animals that were created to live in the wild such as forests. In this article, I want to give some informations about a wild animal called Anoa. Based on the characteristics of their geographic location, anoa are classified as transitional animals between the continents of Asia and Australia. Anoa can be found in the eastern part of Indonesia, namely Sulawesi. Anoa is displayed in the coat of arms of the province of Southeast Sulawesi, which is also framed by links, rice and cotton. The protected mammals symbolize the resilience and agility of the people of Southeast Sulawesi. Anoa based on their altitude can be divided into 2 (two), namely mountains and lowlands. Mountain anoa are anoa that live in mountainous areas with a blacker body color and thick fur. Whereas, lowland anoa are anoa that live in lowland areas with a body color no more black than mountain anoa and have less hair on their bodies. Anoa animals are easily found in plains tropical forests and savanna and they are categorized as herbivores that eat plants to live. 

However, Anoa is included in the ranks of rare and endangered animals in Indonesia. Anoa is included in the list of endangered species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature [IUCN] and Appendix 1 based on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora [CITES]. It means that besides being protected, anoa are also prohibited from being traded. Simon Purser, a Animal Program Advisor for PPS Tasikoki said that the culture of consumption of residents on the island of Sulawesi as a place for Anoa animal populations, apparently has contributed to the extinction of animals that are often called the Sulawesi pygmy buffalo. Simon also said that the growing community population and clearing forests for plantations, logging and others had made Anoa increasingly rare. 

According to the Manado Forestry Research Institute (2013), anoa is protected by law, namely the Ordinance for the Protection of Wild Animals since 1931 (Dierenbeschermings Ordonnantie 1931 Staatsblad 1931 Nummer 134). In this law, anoa is declared an endangered species and must be protected. Even on the IUCN Red List, anoa is categorized as an endangered species that is feared to become extinct. Data from IUCN states that the anoa population in Sulawesi in 2002 was less than 5,000 individuals. From the information, it can be conclude that anoa is one of the treasures in Indonesia and we must and  have to protect them and lower our egos not to hunt this animal and other rare animals. We have to conserve from what our country have and be proud of it by not hunting it for our own interests. 

Sources :,Indonesia%20untuk%20menjadi%20negara%20maju.

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