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Ruang Kelas

Pasar Ruby Rumah BUMN Yogyakarta

27 November 2022   20:13 Diperbarui: 27 November 2022   20:22 94
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

The ruby market is a collaborative activity between Rumah BUMN Yogyakarta and local brands that carry the theme Eco, Wellness and of course Conscious in producing and consuming it.

The Ruby Market is held fortnightly every month. Like on October 19 2022 which took place at Teras BRICafe x Couvee, Jalan Sagan Timur 123, Yogyakarta. Pasara Ruby is held from 10.00 WIB to 15.00 WIB. This activity was filled with several workshops and talk shows. Didik Hadiprayityo who is the Maestro of Dance became one of the speakers in this activity. He gave a talk show with the theme "Nguri-uri Budoyo Jawi: Memahami Filosofi Tari Jawa". This was followed by a workshop with the theme "Making Botanical Micellar Water without Alcohol, Clean and Safe for Pores" by Dina Kurniawan as the Co-Founder of Akuna Indonesia. In addition, as long as the Ruby Market takes place, there will be activities of printing batik on handkerchiefs. 

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