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Ilmu Sosbud

Mudik Lebaran 2021 Dilarang Lagi, Simak Penjelasannya

24 April 2021   22:15 Diperbarui: 24 April 2021   22:24 471
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The Impact of the 2021 Homecoming Ban Policy and the Way the Community Reacts to It

Covid-19 cases in Indonesia April 22, 2021 have over 1.6 million cases.  Even though this case in Indonesia has begun to be overcome, this does not mean that this is a breath of fresh air for the community to be able to gather together again with their closest relatives, including in the case of Eid homecoming.  Recently the government issued a policy that prohibits people from traveling for Eid homecoming, it is certain that this policy was issued to prevent a spike in post-Eid Covid-19 cases.  But of course, this reaps the pros and cons, there are those who insist on going back to their hometowns, there are also those who appreciate the actions taken by the government.  Then what are the negative and positive impacts arising from this policy?  How should society react to it?

The negative impact of this policy, first, of course, is felt by almost all Indonesians, that is not being able to meet relatives, especially in 2021, this is the second year that people cannot celebrate Eid with their families and friends.  The unbearable feeling of longing for a family will actually make people go traveling without regard to the risks they get, both in terms of health and fines for violating government regulations.

The second negative impact is the traders who lose money.  Usually, the moments of Ramadan to Eid can be a profitable moment for food and clothing traders. But, during this pandemic, especially when it is added to the ban on going home, the income of traders has decreased, because during this pandemic, people celebrating Eid is not as festive as previous years were due to social distancing which made Eid celebrations not allowed by gathering together with families. So, many residents did not need to buy lots of clothes and food for Eid.

On the other hand, we also have to think positively about the policies that have been issued.  There is also a positive impact arising from this regulation, it is none other than the decrease in daily covid-19 cases in Indonesia.  Quoted in, the President explained that this policy was re-launched because of learning from the past, where in 2020 during the 4 long holidays, one of which after Eid there was an increase in cases of Covid-19 and death victims (Medistiara, 2021).  To prevent this from happening again, the government was forced to prepare a policy to prohibit the 2021 Eid homecoming.

Another reason for issuing this policy is to maintain the decline in covid-19 cases and the number of victims who died.  Quoted on the page, the President also explained that currently the Covid-19 case in Indonesia has started to be handled because of the existence of vaccines and other policies related to the prevention of Covid-19 (Medistiara, 2021).  

Of course, the government does not want this very difficult success to be achieved will be destroyed in an instant, especially since the minister of transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, quoted on the page, explaining that the results of the survey he conducted found that 81 million people would go homecoming if there was no ban on going homecoming, and 27 million people will still go home even though there is a prohibition on going homecoming (Newswire, 2021).  This number will of course make the condition of Indonesia which has begun to be conducive to returning to its downturn due to the post-Eid Covid-19 outbreak.

Now what people can do is comply with the policies made by the government and think positively.  This policy was made for the realization of the dream of all Indonesians, that is to be free from the shackles of the covid-19 virus. After struggling for 1 year, the government is doing various ways to suppress the Covid-19 cases, finally, slowly, the Covid-19 cases can be handled and an increase in the number of patients recovering and a decrease in the number of patients who have died has been seen.  Through this regulation, all people from various backgrounds are urged to work together to help break the chain of virus transmission by staying at home and not doing the Eid homecoming, because if we still insist on gathering, then our dream to escape from the shadows of covid-19 will not come true.

The existence of the ban on going home has indeed raised pros and cons among the community.  There is a negative impact of this policy, namely the economic problem for traders and people who are still insist to go home.  However, there are also the positive impact as well as the main objective of the implementing of this policy, that is to prevent and reduce the number of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia.  As a society we must respond to this with positive thinking and we must be able to hold ourselves for a while not to do this Eid 2021 homecoming, because this policy was made not only for a group of people but for the good of all Indonesian people.



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