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Eunike Y Kristanti
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Penerima Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud RI Program D4 Perhotelan Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti Tahun 2017




3 AM Thoughts

16 Januari 2021   20:10 Diperbarui: 16 Januari 2021   20:19 72
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Bahasa. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Jcstudio

"Once the heart gets too heavy with pain, people don't cry. They just turn silent, completely silent."

Because crying doesn't seem to help anymore. You just feel numb.

"Smiling and looking okay on the outside doesn't guarantee of what's on the inside."

Sometimes, people smile because they are too afraid to face the real feelings inside. However with one touch, they break down and doesn't stop soon.

"It bleeds like a flowing river yet putting on the most stagnant stone face ever."

Because they don't want to feel how people are just being passive aggressive about how they feel anymore.

"Mistakes are mostly pointed out only to one person. What if more than one should take the blame?"

Am I wrong?

"Are human ego so mountain high we can only point out and take people down? Shouldn't we take a pause and look deep inside our soul as well?"

You do realize you're human as well, right? And no human, ever, is perfect? Stop stooping so low.

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