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Erwin Adytia Dirgantara
Erwin Adytia Dirgantara Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Islamic Communication Student

Writing Is The Activity Of Recording A History. - History Is Memory.



Ruang Kelas

Television Programs and Adverse Effect For Us

17 April 2021   22:04 Diperbarui: 17 April 2021   22:49 60
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

Television has become a mandatory item for every family. Because, no house doesn't have a television today . In addition to its affordable price, watching television is also not complicated and costs a lot. Therefore, it is not surprising that television has a very wide audience reach. Poor and rich, ranging from adults to children, both men and women.

However, the problem we face today is that there are a lot of shows on television that display things that are less educational, such as scenes of violence and romance. And it is very clear that these two things have a bad impact on the audience, especially for children, where they cannot yet sort out what is good and what is bad to emulate.

Many television stations may forget or even don't want to know that this is contrary to Law Number 32 of 2002 concerning Broadcasting Article 36 Paragraph (1) states that broadcast content must contain information, education, entertainment, and benefits for the formation of intellect and character. , morals, progress, national strength, maintaining unity and integrity, and practicing religious and cultural values.

Because until now, broadcasts about violence and romance are still being repeated. Ignoring broadcast time and audience age. For the sake of money and ratings, the television media seemed to ignore its function as a means of education.

And the only thing we can do as viewers is to boycott shows that contain this element so that the rating drops and the television station no longer broadcasts things that have a negative impact on us and on the nation's future generations.

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