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Philosophy 5

12 November 2019   12:04 Diperbarui: 12 November 2019   12:22 1
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Greek philosophers of thought

1. Socrates (469-399 BC)
Regarding the history of scorates is not widely known, but as the main source of information about him can be obtained from the quiz while the information about him is obtained from him.

2. Plato (427-347 BC)
Plato was born in Athens with the original name Aristocles. As a starting point for his philosophical thinking, he tries to solve old problems, which ones change (Heracleitos) or fixed (Parmanides). Which is true sensual knowledge, or knowledge through reason.

3. Aristoteles (384-322 BC)
Aristotle was born in Stageira, northern Greece in 384 BC. This Aristotelian thought pattern is a radical change. According to plato, the highest reality is what we think of with our intellect. Whereas according to the arithmetic of the highest reality is what we see with our own senses. The works of Aristotle totaled 8 topics : logic, natural philosophy, psychology, biology, metaphysics, rhetoric, ethics, economics and politics.

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