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Middle Ages and Scholastic Times

12 November 2019   21:16 Diperbarui: 12 November 2019   21:18 3
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Middle Ages and Scholastic Times.

The Middle Ages can be said to be the century where religion was at its peak. The scholastic period is one that was found in the middle ages.

The scholastic period occurred in the 5-8th century AD, this period was the period in which the development of education began, with the existence of schools at that time.
   Factors influencing this century are:
- religious
The purpose of religious factors is the state of the environment at the time of religious life. They assume that life in this world is a journey to the holy land of Jerusalem, the world is like a foreign land and as a place for dumping waste water (a place of sadness). As the world which is his homeland is heaven.

- science education
At that time many teaching institutions had been established which were pursued by monasteries, churches, or from the royal family. The literature is taken from Latin, Arabic (Islamic), and Greek writers.

Early Scholastic Leaders:

1. Augustine (354-430 AD)
2. Boethius (480-524 AD)
3. Emperor Karel the Great
4. Saint Anselm (1033-1109 AD)
5. Peter Abaelardus (1079-1142 AD)

Scholastic peak
Characterized by the emergence of universities to advance science.
Factors that drive during peak scholastic times are:
- the influence of Aristotle, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rus
- the founding of orders
- french revolution

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