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"To be A Good Teacher"

20 Maret 2018   04:23 Diperbarui: 20 Maret 2018   04:29 242
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

What are the criteria of good teacher ? To be a good teacher, there are some criterias. A teacher must can I build good relation with a communication to a student. With a good relation, the student will knowing what a teacher learn to student. 

A teacher creates an conducive atmosphere in class. A teacher must have more knowledge and the teacher must know their subject well. A teacher must has a clear voice in the classroom, but also that student do as well.

What make PGRA teacher different from other teacher ? PGRA teacher different from other teacher because teacher PGRA have a be responsible build a characteristic child in golden age with a good usuality. 

Golden age is a child experience a grow and expanding period. And this period a child must take the best learning in other that process grow and expanding a child can going on optimum. Because that reason teacher PGRA different from other teacher.

What do you think about implementation of teacher strategies in the classroom ? Implementation of teacher strategies in the classroom in how a teacher can give a learn to student and a student can take a learn well. And information from teacher, a student knowing well. 

That implementation can work well if a teacher has a knowledge well and more. A teacher don't be wary in give a learn to student. And a teacher must know how give a learn simple an can knowing for student. And then, a teacher must has a strategies position in class. a teacher not in one position, not just in front of class or just in beside of class. Little joke can make a student not tight during learn in class.

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