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The Covid-19 Vaccination Obligation is Considered Too Forcing

5 Maret 2021   14:00 Diperbarui: 5 Maret 2021   14:01 81
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Kesehatan. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Schantalao

The government has done many ways in overcoming this pandemic which has hit Indonesia for more than a year. Starting from the Lockdown regulation, social distancing, using masks, washing hands, to the latest is the Covid19 vaccination. This vaccination step was finally taken by the government to immediately resolve the pandemic that has killed thousands of people. The Covid19 vaccine is believed to be able to increase the body's immunity to be protected from this deadly virus. However, there are still many Indonesian people who doubt this vaccination and complain about the side effects that can be caused after vaccination.

As a form of effort to build public trust, the president of Indonesia, Joko Widodo had already vaccinated on January 13. The vaccination process is carried out at the state palace and broadcast live on national televisions. The President hopes that this will increase the interest of its citizens to vaccinate. Even President Jokowi has also taken further action by requiring citizens who meet the criteria for Covid19 vaccine recipients to take part in the vaccination program. For people who do not comply with this vaccination program, they are threatened with not getting social assistance until they are subject to fines on the grounds that they do not want to take part in handling the Covid19 virus.

This is clearly stated in the presidential regulation article 13A number 4 which reads; (4) Every person who has been designated as a target recipient of the Covid-19 vaccine who does not participate in the Covid-19 vaccination as referred to in paragraph (2) may be subject to administrative sanctions, in the form of: a. Postponement or termination of the provision of social security or social assistance b. Suspension or termination of government administration services and / or c. Fine.[1]

However, it is actually wrong decision. This government regulation that mandates vaccination has even created greater fear in the community. They wondered what was really going on with this vaccination program so that the government seemed to be "really imposing" this program. Moreover, remembering that WHO, the world health institution, also does not require the Covid19 vaccination program. The institute only recommends that vaccination be carried out persuasively. Even countries with the largest population in the world such as India and the United States do not require this vaccination in their countries.

The government's actions requiring Covid19 vaccination have in no way helped build public trust. Instead, the community's level of fear is higher. Whereas the first thing that should be done is to build public trust first by disseminating information about vaccinations. The obligation to vaccinate with sanctions for violators of this program seems too much to remember, even vaccines are not drugs.

As I mentioned earlier, the steps that the government should take in responding to public doubts about this vaccination is to increase awareness about the Covid19 vaccine itself. It can be done by educating the public about the benefits that will be received after vaccination, the side effects of the Covid19 vaccine, and the purpose of giving the vaccine itself. Then after all that is done, let the community judge and decide whether they want to be vaccinated or not. So that the nature of the vaccination program becomes voluntary, not because of the fear of being caught in fines.

If the socialization is carried out properly and appropriately, then I think the community will automatically be interested in getting vaccinated or even volunteering to take part in this program. In addition, the concerns and fears of the Indonesian people regarding the Covid19 vaccine will also fade. Instead, they can be part of a party recommending vaccinations to other people around them. So that the vaccination program can run smoothly in a calm atmosphere without coercion or fear.


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