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KKN Unej Berikan Inovasi Pembelajaran Serta Mengajarkan Gaya Hidup Sehat Mematuhi Protokol Kesehatan

15 Agustus 2020   10:06 Diperbarui: 15 Agustus 2020   10:12 95
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 Dhini Firda Yana

Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Universitas Jember

Email :

Abstract: Covid-19 hit many countries in the world including Indonesia. The Covid-19 outbreak is not only a national problem in a country, but is already a global problem. Covid-19 originated in the Wuhan area of China. The spread of Covid -19 is so fast and deadly, it is transmitted through physical contact through the mouth, eyes and nose. Covid-19 has an impact on social life and weakens the economy of the community. 

The problem is how the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on public services and efforts to overcome the Covid-19 outbreak. Real Work Lecture (KKN) is one of the compulsory courses taken by every student at the Undergraduate level (S1) at the University of Jember, as one of the requirements for completing a degree as an undergraduate. 

This KKN Back To Village activity aims to provide opportunities for students to get to know, find problems, and learn about the KKN themes that have been selected in their respective villages. Besides that, this Community Service Program also aims to improve students' ability to apply the knowledge they already have into real life in the community in Seneporejo Village.

This KKN activity was carried out individually on 1 July - 14 August 2020 in each village due to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak in Indonesia. Prior to the implementation of KKN, various preparations were carried out, such as provisioning from the LP2M and Field Advisory Lecturers, the division of groups drawn from undergraduate students from various departments at the University of Jember.

 Keywords: Covid-19, KKN, Students

Abstrak: Covid-19 melanda banyak Negara di dunia termasuk Indonesia. Wabah Covid-19 tidak hanya merupakan masalah nasional dalam suatu Negara, tapi sudah merupakan masalah global. Covid-19 berawal muncul dari daerah Wuhan Cina. Penyebaran Covid -19 yang begitu cepat dan mematikan,, penularannya melalui kontak fisik ditularkan melalui mulut, mata dan hidung. Covid-19 berdampak kepada kehidupan sosial dan melemahnya ekonomi masyarakat.

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