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Devina Aisyah Widyadhana
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Ilmu Sosbud

Thesis or Skripsi Should Be An Option for Student, Not An Obligation

27 Maret 2021   16:56 Diperbarui: 27 Maret 2021   17:03 38
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Every student who has entered the world of higher education has a set time period to study and is no stranger to making the graduation requirement is to make a thesis / thesis. At first I also asked why this thesis had to be made for undergraduate graduation and the thesis would only be used as an option for the graduation requirements of the undergraduate program, instead besides the preparation of the thesis there were other options as a graduation requirement, namely doing community service or research reports in the laboratory. Before going any further, let us know what a thesis is. A thesis is a complex paper you wrote during the final year of graduate school. Students generally want to take a topic they are studying in class and look for ways to research and write a paper around that topic. Students must choose a topic that relates to their past experiences. Students will submit your topic to their supervisor and meet by starting to write their paper. A team of professors will then read their paper and determine whether it meets the requirements required for graduation.

I strongly support the opinion of the existence of a thesis / thesis for the final year of postgraduate because thesis is an important element of a research-based postgraduate degree, which serves as evidence that a student is able to describe, explain and defend the research work he has done, and how it contributes to and expands. knowledge. students to carry out further research in the field of study and make a significant contribution to the field of knowledge.

With these principles in mind, the thesis should be presented as a single, cohesive, consistently formatted, and unified document that clearly articulates the development of the student's chosen field of research. The thesis presents the results of the student's research as a whole, not a separate part, and students must be able to justify and defend each part, from introduction to conclusion.

Although some students assume that all graduate students require students to write a thesis, this is not always true. The answer to the question of whether all graduate students work on a thesis depends on the program and that some schools offer alternatives such as fieldwork or a research project.

A thesis is a complex paper you wrote during the final year of graduate school. Students will submit your topic to their supervisor and meet by starting to write their paper. I strongly support the opinion of the existence of a thesis / thesis for the final year of postgraduate because thesis is an important element of a research-based postgraduate degree, which serves as evidence that a student is able to describe, explain and defend the research work he has done, and how it contributes to and expands. With these principles in mind, the thesis should be presented as a single, cohesive, consistently formatted, and unified document that clearly articulates the development of the student's chosen field of research. The thesis presents the results of the student's research as a whole, not a separate part, and students must be able to justify and defend each part, from introduction to conclusion.

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