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The Benefits of GO-JEK Application

6 Juli 2018   17:04 Diperbarui: 7 Juli 2018   13:17 1177
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Ekonomi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Caruizp

Transportation is a vehicle that humans use to move from one place to another place. There are many types of transportation such as land, sea and air. Each type of transportation has different types of vehicles for example on land transportation there is conventional transportation and online transportation. And with the advancement of communication technology, there is a new innovation like GO-JEK. GO-JEK is online transportation with the most number of users in Indonesia because it is considered easier and faster (Edo, Fitra, dan Candra 2018). Now GO-JEK operates in 50 cities of Indonesia which offer a wide range of benefits ( This essay will explain the benefits of GO-JEK applications from the perspective of the society and economy.From the society perspective, GO-JEK has facilities for customers. Customers just make an order through mobile phones and select the destination location. From the application, customers will know the fare as well as the driver (Rudi Basuki dkk 2013). These informations are very important for customers. Knowing fare is helpful for decision making in ordering. If the fare is not affordable, the customer can cancel the order (Edo, Fitra, dan Candra 2018). Knowing the driver is also important because customers can file a complaint if the service provided by the driver is not satisfying. So, this kind of facility is more sophisticated than conventional transportation (Edo, Fitra, dan Candra 2018).
From the economy perspective, GO-JEK has two benefits. First, GO-JEK has been proven to decrease the unemployment rate. The BPS noted a decrease in the Indonesian Open Unemployment Rate to 530,000 people in the period of August 2016 (Iwan 2016). One of the contributing factors in driving decline in the number of unemployment is online-based transportation, hence many unemployed are willing to join GO-JEK (Iwan 2016). GO-JEK drivers say that since joining as partner, they have seen their income increase ( So, the people’s economy can be helped because they get jobs. 
Another benefits is GO-JEK can improve SMEs. Here GO-JEK has a service called GO-FOOD. GO-FOOD is service that allows users to order food then delivered to the destination place. Food products ordered by users through GO-FOOD today are not from large restaurants, it can be from the stalls, carts, and restaurants that are not too big. GO-FOOD can also map the behavior and preferences of the people of Indonesia related to food (Sakina Rakhma 2016). So, GO-FOOD can boost the economy of SMEs (Sakina Rakhma 2016).Those are many benefits of GO-JEK applications based on the perspective of society and economy. It can be known, GO-JEK can facilitate the community in transportation, can decrease number of unemployment, and help to improve SMEs in Indonesia.
References :
Andilala, Muh. Edo Aprillia., Fitra A. Bachtiar, dan Mochamad Chandra Saputra. 2018. “Analisis Pengaruh Harga, Persepsi Ukuran, Persepsi Reputasi, dan Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepercayaan Konsumen Dalam Menggunakan Transportasi Online.” Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer 2 (4) :1638-1647
 Basuki, Yudi., Roos Akbar., Pradono., dan Miming Miharja. 2013 “Komunitas Online : Pergeseran Terminologi Komunitas Dari Geddesian Menuju Era Informasi Dalam Konteks Perencanaan Transportasi Perkotaan.” Tata Loka 15 (1) : 63-75
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Setiawan, Sakina Rakhma Diah. 2016. “Go-Jek Bantu Dorong UMKM, Bagaimana Caranya? 
Supriyatna, Iwan. 2016. “BPS Sebut "Ojek Online" Mampu Tekan Angka Pengangguran”

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