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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Controlling The Brain in Source Code (2017)

29 November 2020   22:39 Diperbarui: 29 November 2020   22:43 33
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Source Code film tells the story of a man name Colter Stevens. He is Captain of the U.S Army. This story start from, Colter Stevens suddenly awakens and find himself in a stranger body. He was in a train that was running and sitting with a women named Christian Warren. The women turned out to know himself as Sean Feantress. However, Colter Stevens Doesn't know who is Fentress and begins to question his true identity. But Eight minutes later, a bomb detonated the train and Colter Stevens waking up in a capsule. In there, he met Captain Collen Goodwin from the air force team. Collen Explained to him that he is Colter Stevens, but he was placed in someone body because he is actually being in a mission named "Source Code".

            Source Code is a time cycle program that can send a person to another body for eight minute before dying. Colter was chosen because he had died while on mission in Afganistan and he had the highest resemblance to one of the passengers in the train. And Stevens is assigned to find mastermind behind the bombing incident.

            If you see this film in outline. Controlling the brain and "moving souls" to another body uses technology is not impossible again. Scientifically, planting electronic devices in the brain animal can be proven safe. Elon Musk once planted a little robot in pig brain and it worked to track the pig brain activity. if we look at using science education today, maybe transfer a souls using technology needs 2 or 3 decades more. However, the installation of chips in the brain for health sector and education sector is already possible for the next three or five years later.

In health Sector Chip like this can help with a number of neurological problems, from memory loss to strokes and addictions. In addition, it can also be used to monitor the health of users and alert them when they have a heart attack. And In Educational sector, this technology can be used to determind a person talent and abilities so as to provide the right type of education for someone.

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