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The Real Impact of E-learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic Situation

3 Oktober 2020   15:28 Diperbarui: 3 Oktober 2020   15:36 150
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It has been 6 months since the Covid-19 pandemic has overshadowed the Indonesian people. Everyone is required to live healthily and follow government health protocols. Covid-19 has also changed Indonesia's education system into an e-learning system

Every grade started from kindergarten until college must to do e-learning during a pandemic in Indonesia. The decision from Nadiem  Anwar Makarim  as the minister of education and culture of the Republic Indonesian to implement e-learning in Indonesia bring a lot  Positive and Negative Impact for the student.

Lets we talk about the positives impact of e-learning system first. E-learning can help the student to continue the lesson in this pandemic situation. With e-learning the student can meet with their teacher by using conference application like zoom, google meet , Ms.teams , etc. Every student can study everywhere and every time , because in e-learning system the main tool is a Gadget or laptop that very flexible to carry and use. E-learning system can make student smarter in technology because the student are required to be able to operate various types of application and sites. Student's knowledge about technology is greater than before and of course it will be very helpful and useful for these student.

Another positive impact of e-learning system is reducing paper for collecting assignments that given by the teacher . This impact not only good for the students but also good for our environment. And the last with the implementation of this learning system we as a student indirectly helping the government to reduce Covid-19 cases in Indonesia by learn in our home and automatically decrease interactions with other people.

The other Side,e-learning system can also cause a negative impact for the students. The negativity from e-learning for health was sometimes my eyes feel tired , hot, and watery  when i do conference  for more than one conference in one day  because in a few hours we need to see a laptop or gadget screen and it will have and bad impact on my eye health. 

Not only have bad impact for eye health, we know in Indonesia there are still many underprivileged people so  e-learning will not be a effective system for students who don't have  adequate technology.In addition the  high cost for internet can be a problem for some students. Even thought there are subsidies from school or government,not everyone gets it.E-learning system also not effective for kindergarten child. I saw from my nephew,she using google meet every 3 time a week.The conference was very ineffective because she wouldn't listen what her teacher said.

In my opinion, the success of e-learning system doesn't only depends on the government, but need a good cooperation between teacher,student,and also the government .  Although , it has a negative impact, i think during this pandemic conditions , e-learning system was the right  step from the government because e-learning can safely continue the lesson  during pandemic situation. We as student must active in this system,we cannot make e-learning an excuse to discourage us from doing learning.Not only that,government is expected to immediately solve the problem of people who don't have adequate technology .

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