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what president would do to fight coronavirus ?

6 April 2020   16:42 Diperbarui: 6 April 2020   16:57 59
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

Coronavirus or well-known as COVID-19 has spread around the world and been declared a pandemic. Now, it has been recorded from all over the world that are infected by COVID - 19 as many as 1.273.990 people, 69.456 people died, and 262.486 people recovered. AS and Europe had become the worst affected region. However, in our country, the Republic of Indonesia has reported more than 2.200 confirmed positive cases and almost 200 deaths related to COVID-19, while around 160 patients have recovered from the disease. this number continues to increase day by day. 

This pandemic has brought a crisis to the world in many sectors the unemployment rate increases, scarcity of some medical products, price increase, supply shortages are expected to affect a number of the sector due to panic buying, increased usage of goods to fight the pandemic, disruption to factories and concern shifted supply-side manufacturing issues and decreased business in the service sector.  The government has been tried to be responsive and wise in dealing with this crisis. 

Besides that, the pandemic has affected educational systems, leading to the widespread closures of schools and universities. The pandemic also impacted religion in various ways, including the cancellation of the worship services of various faith. Many churches, mosques, and temples have offered worship through Livestream amidst the pandemic. The pandemic also had an impact on the film industry, for example, the cinema has now been closed, and some festival events have been canceled or postponed.

If I was a President of Indonesia, what would you do to fight the Corona Virus?

As a government, we need to ensure effective and well-resourced public health measures to prevent infection and contagion, and implement well-targeted policies to support the health care system, and protect the incomes of vulnerable social groups and businesses during the virus outbreak. But to prevent this pandemic as  government must do these things : 

1. Need to advise every citizen to do social distancing in order to face the COVID -  19

Social distancing is one of the steps to prevent and control virus infection by encouraging healthy people to limit visits to crowded places and direct contact with others. When implementing social distancing, a person is not allowed to shake hands and keep the distance of at least one meter when interacting with others, especially with people who are sick or at high risk of suffering from COVID-19. because of the spread of this virus very quickly.

2. Close all fight access. 

before it's too late, as in other countries, we are forced to close the flight paths of departure and arrival from other countries. So, that foreigners do not enter Indonesia to prevent this COVID - 19. But this is very difficult to do because it can reduce income and the country's economy. But actually close the flight access done before the coronavirus spreads to Indonesia from other countries such as China as the country where the virus is located.

3. Asking people to stay at home when there is no important need. 

when people have urgent needs such as important work, don't forget to always wash your hands and always wear a mask to avoid transmission of the coronavirus.

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