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The Death of Conversation & the Conversation of the Dead

26 Oktober 2014   17:24 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   19:41 13
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It’s been quite a while how some people worried that misleading behavior in using smart phones would only lead to the death of conversation. In such case… families, spouses, close friends, and neighbours could possibly find less time to sit together to share stories, to discuss interesting matters, or merely to share good or bad news. They might still be there physically, but the smartness of the phones could suddenly turn them into zombies that slowly consume brains.  Well, the case just came up when the four of us were enjoying good coffee with good price in a local cafe shop.
“What do you think?” asked Chimney, not a real name, but written so here because of his crazy smoking habit.
“I’m brainless,” I answered. “So, no worry about it.”
“That’s ridiculous!” said Hippo, also a fake name, and this time for my friend who’s emotionally sensitive to obesity issues (hope he won’t read this), “Only those with paranoid chronicity will nod their heads.”
“But that’s true… so true,” Chimney held his sugar spoon and hit Hippo’s hand. “Recently… i rarely had good conversation with my wife and kids during breakfast and dinner.”
“Your wife is always busy with her new phone?” I asked.
“Yes… and my kids with the game….” Chimney answered.
“And yourself?” Hippo asked while ‘stealing’ my last cake on the plate. I held my breath to let this crime happen.
“I am worried about my future, my friend,” Chimney replied, “When I’m annoyed I tend to eat more and more… I just don’t want to be… you know… eh, mind telling me your clothing size?”
Hippo scratch his hair.
Suddenly, without any command, we looked at each other. We just realized that another friend of us was busy with his smartphone since the time we were sitting, saying no words and giving no attention to our discussion.
“Now, what do you think?” Hippo kicked his knee from the side of the table.
“Heh?? What? Sorry… I was busy… what question did you ask?”
“Chimney…,” said Hippo, “This time, you are right.”
“Zombie ate his brain!!!”
The death of conversation has taken place on him. Luckily, it’s only him, not all the four of us, otherwise this could have been the conversation of the dead. Really?
“What do you think?” asked Chimney, not a real name, but written so here because of his crazy smoking habit.
“I’m brainless,” I answered. “So, no worry about it.”
Wait.. I have written before, haven’t I? Oh, forget it, I am just trying to do ‘copy paste’ from the previous conversation…

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