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From Round Table Conference to Indonesia Republic Unitary State

2 September 2019   19:57 Diperbarui: 2 September 2019   19:57 255
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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

Initially, this was supported by BFO. But, for the struggle of the Indonesian leader who was taken prisoner in Bangka and Jakarta (Dr. Leimena et al.) It was only possible if the Indonesian government was returned to Yogyakarta first. Indeed Beel's aim is to evade Resolution. The rather stalled negotiations were finally resolved on the Canadian proposal on March 23rd, 1949, to provide an interpretation of the Resolution of January 28th, 1949, which actually seemed to be a compromise on Beel's proposal, even though it was beneficial for Indonesia. This proposal was accepted by all parties. Means Beel lost and the risk he asked to stop and be replaced by Lovink.

On July 6th, 1949, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia was restored to Yogyakarta by witnessing the United Nations Commission for Indonesia (UNCI). The Commission then issued a statement that said: For the first time, a Government was restored and returned to its constitutional position and its capital, with the help of International Organizations that used not armed forces, but its peace services.

Van Roijen-Roem's statement was held at the Des In Des Hotel Jakarta on May 7th, 1949. These joint statements were between the Indonesian and Dutch parties, respectively by Mr. Mohammad Roem and DR. HJ van Roijen whose basis for Indonesia is the DK Resolution of January 28th, 1949, and March 23rd, 1949, as well as the power of President Soekarno and Vice President Muhammad Hatta personally and guarantee:

  • Termination of guerrilla warfare.
  • Restoration of security, maintenance of law and order.
  • Participate in Round Table conferences with the aim of accelerating the transfer of sovereignty to RI in full and without conditions.

Then Van Roijen welcomed:

  • The Dutch government agreed to the return of the Indonesian government to Yogya.
  • The Government of Indonesia is free and has the full opportunity to carry out its functions.
  • Termination of Military Operations and release of captives.
  • Termination of the formation or recognition of areas controlled by the Republic of Indonesia before December 17th, 1948.
  • Approved RI in RIS with a 1/3 vote in federal representation.
  • The Round Table Conference was held to discuss accelerating the full transfer of Round Table Conference sovereignty without conditions according to Renville.
  • Netherland agreed that in areas outside Yogya the Civil Government and the Police were still carrying out their duties and were still functioning.

Although Van Roijen's statement did not call for a withdrawal of Dutch troops, that was included in point 2. The implementation only took place on July 7th-8th, 1949. After that, Commander in Chief Sudirman and TNI troops entered Yogyakarta on July 10th, 1949.

As the historical information at the time, it was hard for Sudirman to accept this situation because initially, he did not approve of Van Roijen-Roem's statement. But it is the greatness of the soul that drives him to put national interests first. As explained Simatupang in his book "Report from Banaran."

After facing the President and Vice-President, the march checks and conducted a TNI parade in the square. On that occasion, the Commander shook hands with former PDRi chairman Sjafrudin Prawiranegara.

At the end of June 1949, the preparations for the return of the Indonesian Government to Yigya had actually been completed. Among others, with the withdrawal of Dutch troops from Yogyakarta. Order and security that can be held thanks to the wisdom made by Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX.

When the entourage from Bangka arrived on July 6th, 1949, he also welcomed the representatives of the United Nations for Indonesia (UNCI), representatives from BFO and Indonesian leaders both Civil and Military who were in the Republic of Indonesia, Yogyakarta. On this occasion, the Chair and Vice-Chair of the BFO met with President Soekarno and Vice President Muhammad Hatta. The intention is to discuss the "Inter Indonesia Conference", as well as to convey an invitation to the Indonesian side to attend the conference. This shows that the idea of the Conference seems to be on the part of the BFO. It turned out that the Trinity welcomed and agreed to attend.

The two leaders briefly made a Political statement: That the Inter Indonesia Conference was a proof of Indonesia's desire to unite and reality of synthesized politics aimed at realizing close cooperation for the entire Indonesian Nation and in the context of the formation of an independent and sovereign United States of Indonesia. Then the conference was held to be held in Yogyakarta from July 19th-22nd, 1949 and in Jakarta from July 31st-August 2nd, 1949. By taking place in Yogyakarta for the first time the Conference was opened by Vice President Muhammad Hatta. It is undeniable that this Conference is the biggest national reference that has ever taken place in Indonesia. The main thing that was decided at the first conference in Yogya was related to the RIS administration. Whereas in the second conference it was decided: The RIS flag is the Red and White Flag. The official language of RIS is Indonesian. The National Anthem of RIS is Indonesia Raya.

Finally, the day awaited also came. Precisely on December 16th, 1949, at the Yogya training session, there was RIS Presidential Election held by all states. The task of the committee is held by the National Preparatory Committee which is chaired by Mr. Muhammad Roem whose members consist of states. It can be predicted that Bung Karno was unanimously elected as President and Bung Hatta as his representative.

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