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Baiq Khuzaifah
Baiq Khuzaifah Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswi universitas pamulang

Saya Baiq khuzaifah mahasiswi semester 5 universitas pamulang jurusan sastra inggris.



Ruang Kelas

Analysis Clauses

20 Oktober 2021   17:39 Diperbarui: 20 Oktober 2021   17:41 174
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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

NAME  : Baiq Khuzaifah

Articel Syntax : Analysis Clauses

Clause analysis is also known as general analysis. Formal grammatical analysis techniques that were once common in schools in English-speaking countries and English-speaking schools elsewhere. 

This involves dividing longer sentences into their constituent clauses: for example, analysis of complex sentences. When they arrived, they found that there was not enough food: they found (main or main clause); when they arrive (time subordinate adverbial clause, modifies the found verb); that there is not enough food (subordinate noun clause, object of the found verb). Such analysis was routine grammar work in many middle classes until the 1950s, but has fallen out of favor since the 1960s. 

Most teachers and linguists today put forward four arguments against the work: (1. It rests on a narrow theoretical basis derived from the study of Latin, and ignores the various types of clauses that can be identified in English. (2. It concentrates on only one aspect of grammar. (3. Very formal and far from everyday language. (4. Most students do not respond well and many teachers do not like to teach it. 

As a result of the sharp decline in the teaching of such analysis, students since the 1960s generally have little organized teaching in the form of sentences. Clause analysis continues to be favored by many parents, usually middle class, who find such analytical training useful in developing linguistic skills, especially in writing.

Clause structure is the most studied phenomenon in syntactic theory, as it refers to how words and phrases are embedded in sentences, their relationship to each other in sentences, and finally, how sentences are layered and represented in our brain. 

This volume presents a clear and up-to-date overview of the Minimalist Programme, synthesizes the most important research findings, and explores major changes in generative syntax. As an accessible topic book, it includes chapters on frameworks, clauses in general, and semantic, grammatical, and pragmatic layers. 

Designed for graduate students and researchers interested in syntactic theory, this book includes a variety of examples drawn from data acquisition, typology and language change, in addition to discussion questions, useful suggestions for further reading, and a useful glossary.

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