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Healthy Lifestyle Starts Now

23 Januari 2020   00:15 Diperbarui: 23 Januari 2020   00:14 47
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Stroke is often associated with diseases that affect the elderly/old people. But the fact is, strokes can also be experienced by adults in their productive age under 40 years old. How could that be?

As stated by Dr. Adin Nulkhasanah, Sps, MARS, Chair of the Indonesian Stroke Society Foundation, cases of stroke in people under 40 years is increasing. The reason is unhealthy lifestyles such as being less active, smoking, and also consuming foods that are high in salt and fat, are widely lived by people today.

Basic lifestyle changes can have a big impact in reducing stroke risk. In fact, according to research, stroke is 80% prevebtable by addressing lifestyle factors, including improving diet, stopping smoking, and getting regular exercise.

Here are the list of best food to prevent  stroke:

  • Nuts: In one study, adding an ounce of nuts per day seemed to cut the risk of stroke in half

  • Greens: According to studies led by Harvard researchers, greens turned out to be associated with the strongest protection against major chronic diseases, including a 20% reduction for stroke(and heart disease) for every additional serving
  • Chocolate: According to population studies that followed people over time, those who ate chocolate appeared to have lower rates of stroke
  • Citrus food: According to a study of 70,000 women published in the journal Stroke, women who consumed the most flavonoids from citrus fruits over a 14-year period had 19% lower risk of stroke than women who consumed the fewest
  • Whole grains: Eating whole grains has been found to be associated with a reduced risk of stroke. In his book How Not to Die, Dr. Greger recommends at least 3 servings of whole grains each day for stroke prevention.
  • Garlic: A human study found that regular garlic consumption resulted in a 50% reduction in rates of stroke.


  • Tomatoes: High levels of lycopene, which is found in tomatoes, may be associated with a significantly reduced risk of stroke. According to an analysis published in Neurology, which followed more than 1,000 Finnish men aged 46 to 55, those with the highest lycopene levels were 55% less likely to have a stroke
  • Coffe: The results of a 13-year study of more than 80,000 Japanese adults found that those who drank at least one cup of coffe a day had a 20% reduced of stroke
  • Green tea: those who drank 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily had a 14% reduced risk of stroke.


  • Pottasium rich food: Eating more potassium-rich foods is associated with a significantly lower stroke risk. In one study, a 1,600 milligrams per day increase in potassium intake was associated with a 21% lower stroke risk

Foods to Avoid If You Want to Avoid Stroke

Studies indicate that it is particularly important to reduce your intake of the following foods:

  • High cholesterol foods
  • Salty foods
  • Dairy

Uric acid is a compound produced by your body when it breaks down certain foods. Too little uric acid is associated with stroke.

People on dairy-free plant-strong diets are most likely to hit the sweet spot in terms of optimal uric acid levels for longevity. So this is one of the reasons limiting or cutting out dairy can help reduce your risk of stroke.

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