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"Students Learn How to do Entrepreneur at President University"

28 Februari 2019   16:50 Diperbarui: 28 Februari 2019   17:22 20
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Pendidikan. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/McElspeth

President University is an international private university that is located on Jababeka Education Park in Kota Jababeka, Cikarang. With students not only from Indonesia but also outside the country, this university has a very good curriculum that not only focus on classroom study but also real-time experience on the field.  The lecturers believe that to be excellent at work requires experience, and experiences can only be acquired from practicing.

In that sense, President University gives all their students courses that beneficial for them. Entrepreneur courses is given to all students of all majors, it is not exclusive to business or related major only. All students learn how to start a business by themselves, maintain it, and gain profits from that. It is good for them to have business skills aside from their chosen major because it is can be used as second choices for their future job.

Most of the students accept the entrepreneur courses positively and agree that it is important for them to learn business. One of the Public Relations student in President University, Alexander Julio said, "In my opinion, entrepreneur class in President University is good. Because, everyone can use the skills, and it cannot be denied that it is true. We learn how to take profits from what we sells. From my experience, the class is good because we use most of our time doing real business rather than learn theory in the class. It is also give us and me especially awareness that our choices is not limited to the major we choose, there are also another choices like be an entrepreneur."

Another student from Management 2016 in President University also said, "Entrepreneur courses in President University is good enough for me to learn and acquire experience about business. It also teach me about how hard it is to start the business but also show me how rewarding it is if the business success."

Throughout the year, there are already a lot of business that the students start to make. For example, there are Foodkarta and Chickuy that focus on food business.

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