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Why Selling Marijuana Not be Legalized in Public Places?

12 Mei 2020   13:08 Diperbarui: 12 Mei 2020   13:12 10
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Today we live in the era of almost all our activities can be done instantly. No denying the negative impact of information technology the economic field can lead to criminal acts. Some people do a dark trade of cannabis/marijuana over the internet easily. Some people buy marijuana for personal consumption. 

Cannabis or marijuana is a psychotropic containing the tetrahydrocannabinol and canabidiol that make the wearer suffer euphoria. Marijuana is usually made into cigarettes to be smoked so that the effects of his zits react. 

These are the reason why selling marijuana not be legalized in public places. Because selling to the wrong target can cause an overdose due to use that does not match the dosage, marijuana also can't treat serious illness if not diagnosed first, marijuana abuse and addicted to marijuana. In addition, marijuana can also affect body movement and coordination. High levels of tetrahydrocannabinol result in low blood pressure and short-term memory loss, heart rate acceleration, reduced motor ability, and other side effects that impede body performance in many activities.

The reason why marijuana should not legal in public places because it can make marijuana abuse which is dangerous. According to BNN marijuana abuse among adolescents continues to increase every year. 

It is true some areas in Indonesia are famous for using little bit marijuana as an added spice to their traditional cuisine. However, not a few also people consume marijuana to make them feel relaxed or very happy. 

But if consumed continuously, in a long period of time with excessive doses, the effects of marijuana will result in no good health. Marijuana abuse among students in 13 provincial capitals in Indonesia reached a figure of 3.2 percent or equivalent to 2.29 million people. Marijuana abuse in the long run also allows a person to develop symptoms of dependency include insomnia, mood swing, and decreased appetite. Research also shows the relationship between marijuana use and an increased risk of diseases that can weaken the body's immunity, such as HIV/AIDS.

          The other reason is marijuana can cause everyone who use marijuana to be so addicted with that. The effect of continuous use of marijuana can also lead to psychological and emotional dependence. Increasing frequency of use, more and more substances are needed to create a euphoric effect on the active substances contained in marijuana. It is true that in medical cases use this kind of thing as a medicine for the patient, but the using of marijuana in medical cases already appropriate with the rules and will not harm somebody's health. The medical is very careful when giving this drug so that the body doesn't have a severe dependency effect. This also one of the reasons why marijuana hasn't been legalized.

          Efforts to legalize marijuana in Indonesia certainly cannot be done. Because the legalization of narcotics is considered contrary to legal, physical, psychological aspects, as well as aspects of security and public order. Some people often think that consuming marijuana is done to relieve stress, and that can make you lose weight drastically and have difficulty concentrating. In addition, another reason why marijuana cannot be legalized in the social aspects that will arise in society, especially the younger generation. While marijuana abuse can result in health and psychological disorders because it can damage the brain nerves permanently if used sustainably. The content of the element (THC) can cause negative effects to make people become lazy.

          Of the many facts and cases, it is no longer the mystery that everyone knows about the dangerous. Because it is dangerous, selling marijuana should not be legalized in public places It can harm everyone in this world because of marijuana abuse. Everything in this world will give us advantageous if we use it appropriately. As you know too much is not better for everything in this world. Even for using marijuana too. So, what is your point of view? Is it selling marijuana without requirements in public are still being the best solution of this case?.

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