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Ilmu Sosbud

Ups and Downs of UNISA Students in Collaboration Activities with MSMEs Mbokemplok

26 November 2022   12:20 Diperbarui: 26 November 2022   12:23 64
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

In the second week, we had a discussion and asked Mba Elsa, an auxiliary team from UAD, for advice. Ways regarding content creation that can provide value to the product have been given, which will be used as learning and guidelines for the creation of further content. (Monday, 14/11)

The content that had been created in the second week and sent to the MSE partner was rejected because of her inconsistency with her wishes. MSME partners want content that can attract people to buy their products, or, in other words, content that can persuade the audience to buy the products offered. "It's better to look for an invitation to buy an MBA," said the mother of an MSME partner.

Because this is our first experience directly implementing digital marketing, of course there are some difficulties. They try to be heart-to-heart honest with the partner's mother, to apologize and understand everything that is still not optimal, including the difficulty of creating unique and good content. In fact, the anxiety felt by us was welcomed by the partner's mother; she said that it is okay if there are still many shortcomings because we both learned from the beginning.

Behind the inappropriate content for the Instagram feed, good news comes because the partner's mother really likes content in the form of a video tutorial on how to make noodles made by my partner, Alfi. This is certainly our motivation to continue to learn and produce unique ideas for the success of this collaboration activity with Mbokemplok MSMEs.

A video about a tutorial on how to make noodles can only be posted on November 21 due to access to an Instagram account that is only held by partner mothers. On Wednesday (16/11), I again contacted Mba Elsa to discuss the next content, namely reviews and testimonials from buyers who have tried to eat this product.

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