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Ethics When Studying Online

25 Maret 2021   16:16 Diperbarui: 25 Maret 2021   16:35 149
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Online learning or distance learning is the most appropriate solution during the current pandemic, because it minimizes the impact of the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

Ethics in learning is very important, why? yes of course so that students can gain knowledge properly and make knowledge a blessing.

The ethics in online learning are as follows:

1. take online lessons on time

Even though online learning is a bit informal, students must still follow online learning in a fixed time so that the material presented is not left behind.

2. Look polite and neat

Looking good is very important, why? The teacher will judge someone from their appearance to see if the student is ready to take part in the online learning.

3. must turn on the video feature during learning

Now for students, they are required to turn on the video feature when the learning starts so that the teacher can see whether the student is listening or even sleeping.

4. It is mandatory to turn off the audio feature while learning starts unless there are questions that you want to ask

Students are required to turn off the audio feature so that when the teacher explains it can be understood easily and the teacher can focus on explaining the material.

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