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Is a School Uniform Necessary or Not?

12 Mei 2020   14:09 Diperbarui: 2 Juni 2024   10:25 1387
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Thus far, school uniforms still being debated whether students should wear it or not. A school uniform is a casual form of clothes for students during their stay at school and on the official school activities outside of a school. It is not only a face of a student, but also a face of a school. In Indonesia a school uniform is general in every school stage. It usually has logo to distinguish the education stage. For primary school they have to wear white shirt and red skirt, for junior high school they have to wear white shirt and blue skirt, for senior high school they have to wear  white shirt and grey skirt. Besides that formal uniforms, there are also another uniforms like scout uniform, exercise uniform, and school identity uniform. The students have to wear it everyday. At primary school they still obey it, but when they are in senior high school they start to against. They are getting lazy to wear it. They don't wear it properly or instead sometimes they don't wear it. Consequently, Some people are agree that school uniform is necessary, some are disagree. Nevertheless, in my opinion uniform is necessary and should be applied throughout all types of school.

Several teachers believe that school uniform can improve attandance and discipline. A study by University of Houstound on 2010 found that the average of absence for girls in junior and high school decreased by 7% after wearing a school uniform. It is because they don't need a lot of time to get ready to school. It also helps students be more organized and dicipline. Since they have to wear uniform according to the day. Several parents disagree about school uniform because it can be expensive, seeing that they are not only buy one unform, but also the others uniforms. I know that not all of the students be able to buy school uniform. Basically, in state school.However, school uniform relieve significant economic inequality.With wearing uniforms you can't see where is the rich studentsand vice versa.Moreover, When some students are dressed in costumes from expensive boutiques or sewn in elite ateliers, and others wear clothes from cheap stores, the difference in family incomes is very noticeable.

The students can be more focus on learning than fashion.They don't need to be confused about what clothes that should they wear.Therefore, they are not distracted on the lessons thereby increasing and focusing on their academic achievement. Many psychologists believe that the use of a single form in schools suppresses individuality of a student. School uniform alsohinder the development of human creativity and prevents self-expression.If he/she is not allowed expressing himself/herself in clothes, it can lead either to outrageous behavior, or to extreme constraint. In fact, there is no direct link between creativity and clothes or school uniform. Creativity is not always indicated on what they wear.Furthermore, if the students don't wear the same clothes it can lead high rates of criminality, because there will be a jealousy of the students to others.

It can be their identity and spirit of unity, and of course it means a lot. Students be bound to proud to wear school uniforms, because it means that they are part of their school. It can be a spirit of unity and it is good for student morale. With wearing school uniforms the students can be easily identified. if a student is missing or lost, it is much easier to find them if you know what clothes they are wearing. Several students say that they are feel uncomfortable wearing uniforms, because not all of them look compatible with the uniform. They can feel insecure. I believe that every school usually design the comfortable uniforms for their students. It is simple and the students who carrying sharp weapons will be salient. Moreover, if they don't wear uniforms, it will be difficult to distinguish their grade. For example, in Indonesia the students have to wear school uniforms, because a school uniform has different meaning in every educational stage.

In my opinion, it would be better if students wear school uniforms and it is necessary to all types of school. Even though the argument on whether a school uniform  is necessary or not will be  a never-ending discussion. In fact, school uniforms give many advantages instead. However, to cover all the disanvantages of school uniforms, there are several recommendation that can be considered by the school. Such as students are allowed to wear jacket or accessories to express their freedom and creativity. Therefore, do school uniforms give us a better prespective of people or there is no reason to wear them?

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