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Ilmu Sosbud

Analysis of Philips Characterization as The Main Character in "The Great Expectations Story"

22 Januari 2022   00:07 Diperbarui: 22 Januari 2022   00:08 150
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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS


The development of literary works can not be separated from social backgrounds. During the Victorian period (1860-1900) social changes occurred in England during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) as a result of the industrial revolution which leads to social changes and economic development and technology that is so rapid that it increases activities intellectuals and science. At the time reading had become a habit so that the writer could live by selling his works on a large scale to the public.

This period is called the era of prose because of the dominant or literary works produced in this period in the form of prose. One of the famous prose writers of this period was Charles Dickens (1812-1870), he was the most popular English novelist and internationally known. One of his works is titled "Great Expectations" which tells the story of an orphaned boy named Philips (Pip) who lives with his sister (Mrs.Joe) and brother-in-law (Mr.Joe). Pip has big ideals, he wants to be a gentleman. Therefore, through his simple essay, the writer aims to tell how the character of Philip (Pip) in realizing his ideals.

Finding Analyze

     After analyzing the short story, the writer found Philip (Pip) is a person who has an arrogant personality "....Biddy (Mr.Joe's Assistant) argues that Pip doesn't have to be someone else to be a gentleman. He just has to be himself. But this does not seem to be taken care of by Pip. "One day at a pub, when Pip was drinking with his brother-in-law, someone named Mr. Jagger came. He was a lawyer who then offered Pip a school to London. There was someone who gave him a donation to stay and study there until it was finished. Pips's life changed a lot in London. But the changes that occurred to him a lot made him forget his true identity.

But on the other hand "... Pip asks Estella why she doesn't want to accept his love? He still loves Estella until now. But Estella said she had no heart. She doesn't love anyone. "the sentence describes his character as a man who is loyal and sticks to his choices.

Next, Pip then meets Estella who has divorced her husband "... Estella has changed and is willing to accept Pip." The end of the story shows another Pip characterization that he has extraordinary patience and perseverance with his faith until finally he can become a gentleman and get Estella.


   As explained earlier, the development of social background in the Victorian era had a significant influence on literary works. One of the Prose writers in this period Charles Dickens was the most popular English novelist and writer.

internationally known. Then, through his story in Great Expectations portray Pip's character as an orphaned boy who wants to realize his ideals as a gentle man. He is described as a person who was initially arrogant, but also patient and persistent until finally he was able to conquer his ideal.


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