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Anggraeni Permata Sihotang
Anggraeni Permata Sihotang Mohon Tunggu... Lainnya - Mahasiswi aktif di Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Universitas Sumatera Utara.

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7 Best Vacation Spots You Must Visit in Dairi

24 September 2022   02:48 Diperbarui: 24 September 2022   03:05 555
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Vacationing is one of the activities that everyone often does to relieve stress and boredom from everyday life. There is nothing wrong with visiting the Dairi Regency area for those looking for a vacation to North Sumatra. It offers a variety of vacation spots that you can see. Moreover, the scenery still looks natural because some places are still not touched by many people. Starting from the hills and mountains, the traveler can enjoy everything because it is directly in sight.

You who want to visit not only enjoy the natural panorama but can do various activities. One of them is capturing the moment through photos and videos. You will find many beautiful backgrounds in several Dairi vacation spots.

1. Taman Wisata Iman Sitinjo

Faith Tourism Park, in Indonesian, known as Taman Wisata Iman Sitinjo (TWI), is a spiritual tourism area located in the hilly region of Sitinjo, Dairi Regency, North Sumatra. This tourist spot offers worship facilities and spiritual tourism for Indonesia's five religions (Protestant Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism). Its location, covered by pine forests, is considered suitable for spiritual tourism. Visitors will feel shady and cool because of the right spot and good air temperature selection. Due to its hilly nature, visitors will advise exploring this park on foot, up and down the stairs provided.

In this park, visitors will find several facilities such as:

  • Saddhavadana Monastery with Buddha Statues;
  • Statue of Abraham;
  • Statue of the Prophet Moses;
  • Ecumenical Church;
  • The Cave of the Virgin Mary;
  • Noah's Ark;
  • The journey of the life of Jesus Christ consisted of the Sheep in Bethlehem, Jesus feeding 5000 people, Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, 14 stages of the cross journey (Via Dolorosa), until finally to Calvary and the Resurrection of Jesus;
  • Hindu temples;
  • Hajj Manasik Field and Mosque;
  • Kaaba replication; and
  • Garden of Paradise erected by statues of Adam and Eve, and reliefs of a giant snake which has a length of approximately 50 meters.

Also, at the park's location, there is a river flowing just below the Cave of the Virgin Mary. This river will flow to a waterfall called Lae Pandaroh.

The price of admission to the Taman Wisata Iman:

Regent's regulation No. 24 of 2015 shows that adult visitors only need to pay Rp. 10.000 per person and Rp. 5.000 per person for children. Parking fees at TWI also varied, starting from Rp. 5.000 up to Rp. 10.000 for 4-wheeled vehicles and 2-wheeled vehicles priced at Rp. 2.000.

2. Tao Silalahi



Who is not familiar with Lake Toba? One of the corners of Lake Toba that visitors can find is in Silalahi Village, Silahisabungan District, Dairi Regency, North Sumatra.

Visitors can do many exciting activities at Tao Silalahi---for example, swimming or around the lake by renting a boat owned by fishermen. However, visitors must remain alert because the lake's current is strong and very deep. It will be perilous if visitors are not careful. In addition, visitors can also relax by fishing for many fish milling about in the lake. Usually, the fish in this lake has a sweet taste and is delicious when eaten.

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